uhh... no way!!!!!!!!!!!! i cant believe it. dis is so horibble.. im gonna b dead! my maths, i got a 53 4 the first time in my life! i guess the ca1 results was jus luck. my sci i got a 71 . i was down wif dat but i cant belive dat i just pass my maths. i knew i couldnt failied as i nvr did b4 in dis sub. eng, i was kinda happy i mean improved . my dad was ok wif it. when my dad shouted n scolded n slapped me in the face 4 so many times i thgt i had 2 sleep out side the hse again.. but no. i was lucky n glad. i mean thr is no one 2 comfort me. the cat dat i truely luv was gone. my fwens r not in the mood. my family nvr reli cared as it was my fault. as i shall alwys b the sad,lonely gerl once more...
feeling even more lonely n depressed,
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
exam finali over.. uhh , im so freaking stress nowdays i dunno y but i am.. im sometimes confused n lonely 2. im kinda realising dat im losing some of my old fwens.. i mean 'they' barely talk 2 me or even say hi. when 'they' r wif their new fwens they completely ignored me.i feel so alone n upset i wish dis was another bad dream n i would wake up in a happy life-no probs..alwys soulutions,no stress..jus happiness,no loneliness..2gether 4eva.. i sometimes if fantasy could b reality.sigh!!!feel lyke im in the dark wif no light in my life.i wish i could leave dis life n start a new....HaiZ!!! but its all reality.
Thursday, May 11, 2006
i cant believe it.. i actually had the second worse time wif my fwens..sigh.. im stress n confused..exams r coming up at least gd fri is coming.. syafiqah was upset as i was so friendly 2 her during recess.. i mean y should i care. she hardly talks or hangs wif me during recess anymore.. shes alwys wif Farah, siti, nura n caca. but im cool wif caca.. she hangs around sometimes. she had a fight wif them n she wants me 2 help her.. uhhuh..no way. every blps students kinda hate her..well, she desevres it!! uhhh.. i told her they were un cool.. lyke totally wateva.. but after all.. come 2 thin of it im her only fwen left. should i help?
no way!!!
i cant believe it my luck just got worse... i will be transferred 2 another class 4 maths y did i hve 2 get an 82 y???!!! my frewns.. waaa...im so hopeless n miserable.. i want 2 stay in my class 4eva.. hu noe wad dis might.. wad if i get bad marks 4 my next exams.. wad if i cant cope wif wad they r doing..wahhhh.....!!!!!!! im so stressed out n depressed right now. i feeling lyke dying...
about me..

im a 12 yrs old. my hair is dark brown n so is my eye colour. im quite gd in studies..average.. dat doesnt mean im a nerd. im not a girly gerl but im not a tomboy either.. i may be harsh n rough but i can be gentle at times...sorta.. dun mess wif me as i learn self-defence.. i hve a slight temp when some one is so obessed.. it usually means im stressed out.. but i can handle it..i think. uhhhhh..i also hve an anonying bro.. i luv cats sum sae i even look lyke 1..wateva itis, i am hu i am!
ohh no..
tdy was ugh... my x bf say 143 when i told i dun lyke him anymore..doesnt he understand the word break n up.. ugh... my family is also suspecting me n syukri(hu is secretly my new bf).n that i hve a lyking 4 him.. i mean its true but wad if my dad found out.. he`s going 2 kill me..Ahhhh..!!!!!
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