
Saturday, October 21, 2006

1.real name.ARiNa raFiyAh IrIn
3.Single or taken?ItS cOmpLIcATed..
4. Zodiac Sign?LeTs C IM a ROOstER..
5.Male or Female?gee ,I dUnnOO waDYa THink? DUH! fEmAlE oF CouRSe..
6.Elementary school:RElIGOus SCH,iyAD..thEN MovED 2 A mosque..studied thr..
7.Surgery:2 tELL U thE trURth I HVe nVr HAD anY SuRGery or OPerATioNS b4..
8.Piercings. im gDgDY gaL 2 PIerce..
10.Award:AboUt 9/10?
11. Sports you can remember:bAdMinTon! i Used 2 Be a BaDminTon pLAyER.. dO u ConSIdE MartiaL arts aS SPOrts? BasIcAlli ITS silAT.. hello red bELT HeRE..
12.Pets?deFiNiTelY cATs ouh n INsectS LykE SpiDERs..
13.Vacation:MaLaYsiA,inDoNEsiA BaTaM>i PrATicAli Live IN inDo nESia WHen i WAS A lil KID..
14.Concert: bEaUty N thE BEAst..
15.Love: FREnDS, video gAmES, MuSiC..UH juStLOOK aT prOfILe..
Your Favourites:
16.Movie(s):All moVIes..but i luv COMedy USuAli..
17. Tv shows? hope and faith,BEwItChED,waD I LykE aBouT U
18. Color(s):BlUe, greEn N rED>>Ouh oF course bLAck n wHIte 2..
19. Music: ALL MUSic r gREAT!
20. Drink: uh lAzY 2 RitE BUt MILO, 100 plUs, MOst SoFT drinkS..N red BULL
21. Body part excluding face. WAd?!!
22. Cartoon: im NOt A CaRTOON typE More of aN aNimE Gal..
23. Piece(s) of clothing: CaRGo pAnTS N wHiTe dreSs..
24. Brand of clothing: DUN reli CAre..
25. You sleep with: MY teddy.. n FaV pIlloW,keEp dIz a SECRET..
26. School: teCK wHye PrI>>bOON lAy PrI>>cUrrEnTlY IN juRonG pRi
27. You're eating: A COOKIE..
28. You're drinking: colD waTer..
29. You're about to: EaT?
30. Listening to:stAcI3 `s IM nOt MiSSiN u
31. Waiting for: night tIme
32. Watching: The computer screen.DUH!!!!!
33. Wearing: bLaCK cArGo PaNtS N red T-sHiRt..
34. Want children: Yes.
35. Want to get married:HOw 2 hVe ChilDREN iF nVr Marry?
36. Careers in mind.teacher?manager of my dads company?
37. Lips or eyes: both
38. Hugs or kisses:hugs....
39. Shorter or taller: Taller..DUH!!!!
40. Romantic or spontaneous: Both.
41. Nice stomach or arms:wad??????
42. Sensitive or loud:A BIt Of boTh..
43. Hook-up or relationship:????maybe hook-up..
44. Sweet or caring: DeFiNItElY BOtH..
45. Troublemaker or hesitant: pReTTy muCh oF bOtH 2..

Have you ever:
46. Kissed a stranger.[hmmmm...NO!!!!HU WoUlD? ]
47. Drank bubbles.[ no!! EWW..tAlK AbOuT gRoss..]
48. Lost glasses or contacts.[NoNE]
49. Ran away from home. [NvR DId..]
50. Broken a bone.[ NO!!]
51. Got an X-ray.[yEa.. ]
52. Broken your admirer's heart.[Yes..DId iT A ThOuSanD TimEs ]
53. Turned someone down.[ DEpEnDs.. ]
54. Cried when someone died.[ Yes...eVEn THoUGH I Nvr DId b4 COz i HADnt gONe 2 A fuNERal B4 BUt HU woulDnt CRY? I deFInitlY wOULd.. ]
55. Cried at school.[Yes.. IM vERy EMotIONal aT timES..]

Do you believe in:
56. God. [100%yEs.. My God! Allah ]
57. Miracles?[yEa! ]
58. Love at first sight:[Yea! ]
59. Aliens.[NO WAy.. ]
60. Magic.[ SoRta..]
61. Heaven[ 100% Yes! ]
62. Santa Claus. [NvR diD! I dIdnT recEIve pRESEnTS FRom him! ]
63. Sex on your first date.[hElLo? BeLOw 18 MucH.. IM noT diRTY minDded U NoE.. i mEAn HU Has SEx ON thEIr 1st DAte?! DAts JUZ craZY! ]
64. Kiss on your first date.[ no!IsNT daT waY 2 FASt 2 STARt wIF?! ]
65.Angels?[yEs! ]
66. Is there someone you want to be with right now?[Yes!!im So BOred aT homE aLL aLone!1 im REli DESpERAtE! ]
Name 20 people you can think of right now. Don't read the following question(s) until you've named the 20 people.
At the end of this, choose 5 people to do this.
10.bEnJaMiN lEe
How did you meet #14.GaViN: thRoUgh fREnDs
-What would you do if you didn't meet #1.cUiYiNg: tHr WiLl b NO 1 2 SAe LAmE 2...
What if #9 and #20 dated.MeLvIn n sHeRrIll:WoW, DatS A gD thgt BUt I dUN 1 MY frENds 2 SuFFer..
Would #6 and #17 make a good couple. SaBrInA n AfIqAh: No WAy THeyRE noT Les! THey Dun EVEn noE EacH oThEr..
-Describe #3.YaSmIn:SMaRt,CoOl,FuNnI,pReTty,Fun HU hAs bEeN inFlUeNcE by mE..mEoW!
-Describe #8.nIcHolAs:CoOL,FuNnI,aCTiVe,FuN..dUh DuNnO waD elSe 2 saE hes juST a Bad Guy DAt LOOKS iNNocENt..
-Describe #7.Him:Gd-LOOKinG,cOOL,fUNNi,SmArT,rIch,KInD n HeLPfUL... u CaN asK Me AnYTHin BOut Him..I NoE
-Know of any #12's family members.dUh!!hES MY brO.. im PArt Of HIs fAmiLY!!
-What would you do if #18 confesses to you that he likes you.ElYcIa:waDYa mEAn hE? sHes A ShE!im NOT a LES noR Is ShE!
-What languages does #15 speaK.raChElNg:EnG n CHinEse!OBvIOUs mUCh!
Who is #9 going out with.MeLvIn: no ONe ..hES SinGLe i GUess..
How old is #16.AmIraH:12
-When is the last time you spoke to #13.LesTer:YesTerDae, UH he USuAli PraNK Calls mE..
-Who is #2's favorite bands/singers.AtIfAh:noT suRE BUT I Noe SHe lUVs thE soNG too LittlE too lAte n Im nOt miSSINg U ..
Would you ever date #4.SHaHirA:no N waY.. we R not Les! STop ASkin SIllY qUES wiLL ya!
-Would you ever date #1?CUiYIng:NeVeR!! 4 thE LasT Time i Am noT Les!
-Is #19 single. HAfIz: DuNno.. i oNLi NOe GaLS adMIre HIM..
-What's #10's last name.bEnJaMin:leE
-Would you ever be in a relationship with #11:jX:nEvEr..No waY ! WE r Juz FreNds! BESiDES i ThiNK hES inTerESted IN sum1..
-Which School is #3 in.YaSMin:HMMM,lEt mE tHInk...oUH i noE thE SamE scH as Me!DUh!
-What is your favourite thing about#5?HaJaR:sHes FUn,FunKY,fUnNi,sHES hiP sHes jUZ PLain COOL!
-Five people who should do this:

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

tdY IM fEeLiN kINdA boRed... Im loNeLy aT hOme AS I alWyS aM aT hOmE duRin th wKdAeS..As:
1)My MuM iS wOrKin
2)myDaD Is wOrKin oVerSeAS AS UsUaL
3) mY bRo Is aLwYs HAnGiN oUT wIf HiS FreNdS tIl lAtE sUmTiMeS aFtER ThE TiMe 2 bReaK fAsT..
4) itZ A HoLiDaY AS ItS a mArKin DaE
5) My FreNdS r NOt hErE..
6) My CaTs >mAnJa{pAmPeReD} N pUtIh{WhItE}<>

IM feElIn BOrED...sAd..ConFUsED..LonElY..tIrED...nOt 2 MeNtIon HunGry!

Duh DuNnO waT 2 POsT aRghhh..!

Monday, October 16, 2006

*Write down a few people who you are tagging.
*Alert them by tagging onto their tagboard and informing them about this thing.
*Do it without complaining.
Q1.Which friend did you got to know and talked to on the first day of your 2006 life?[aTiFaH]
Q2.Do you have a crush?[sOrTA]
Q3.Mind if you give the name?[no i MinD]
Q4.How many days or months or years have you liked him?[sUmTiMe DIz yR]Q5.Which sex do you hate the most?[Duh...thE gUYs AlWyS tEasE mE CaLlIN mE Cat -fACeD]
Q6.They are?[ DiZ Is KINdA PERsOnAl]
Q7.Where will you be going?[GOiN 2 CLeAn mY rOOm]
Q8.What are you wearing?[A SlEeVeLeSs sHiRt n BlAcK pAnTs]
Q9.The last time you got someone angry?[MY BrO-lOnG sToRy]
Q10.What do you want?[EVeRyThIn N aNyTHin In THe WoRlD]
Q11.Who do you miss?[mY FrEnDs n My DaD]
Q12.Your last examination?[sInCe PSL3]
Q13.The caller you miss?[dUh..]
Q14.How are you feeling right now?[bored..IaLwYs dO]
Q15.Who are you closest to?[CuIyInG, AtIfAh, YaSmIn,sHaHiRa,SAbRiNa]
LaSt sUn..
My rElIgOuS eXaM.. i NOe IM gOnnnA FAil 4 sUre as
1) i DiDnT StUdY
2)i StAyeD up laTe THe NigHT b4
3) I hAd A HoRrIbLe HeaDaCHe dUrIN tHE eXAm
4) I nEaRlY fElL AsLeEp!
theSE R thE sYmpToMs OF FAiLin N eXAm-RElI!
unLeSs LaDy LucK iS on UR SiDE daT iz...
AnYwaYz AfTer DAt i weNt hOMe WIf THe gUyZ aS uSuAl- My BrO
Go HomE... i SAt ON thE sOfa N knOCk oFf INstANtLy!
1)i WAS RElI tired
2)NeEdeD 2 caTCh ON My SlEeP
3) thR was KnocKoUt gAS in THe LIVin RoOM
4) sOmEbDy FArtED in THe rOom

LaTer, IrIN-GeRl
LaSt sAt..
WAs a hoRrIBlE-HoRrIblE-HoRrIblE DaE! i Dun 1 2 TeLl ya ThE rEAsON CoZ My FReNds mIgHT ReAd my bLoG n wIlL FeEl GUilTY n TaKe IT as im ANgRy AT tHeM.. wElL, ImEaN cHinAtOwN iZ CoOl N aLl BuT.. iTs juZ dAT IM hu I sPeNt thE daE wIf.. I reMeBer hoW MY bLPs FRenDS n i Used 2 dO aT chINaToWn LAsT Yr.. We hAd loTs oF fUN! LEtS SaE iT JuZ IsNt thE saMe WIf MY New FreNds.. I MeAn Im A BLPSian.. I aLwYs HAnG oUT wiF My FreNds IN 6i AT pARtiES N HAnGoUT bUT sUM TImES I juz FeEl TotAlLI lEft OUt.. iTs LyKe I duN fIt IN wIf THem!!
SighZ, sUMtIMes I wIsh i CoULd RElIvE dIz YR 2006 n 4gET i WAs Eva in 6I!oR IN jUroNg!


Saturday, October 14, 2006


LeTs c.. wat ElSe DiD i miss?hmm.. well thr was block catching, huhu got grounded! ok lol not funny! anywayz, i went shoPpIn wIf jArJaR[my gd fREnD].. LeTs c , thr was me catchin up wif my old frendz[twps]..OuH n ThE ToTaLlI iMpOrTaNt eXam:`PsLe'!

IM So sCaRed !JUz kIdDiN..
tElL U MoRe sUmTiMe lAtEr...IriN-GeRL

Thursday, October 12, 2006

wow!i diddnt realised its been dat long since i blogged!

hey, its been a reli reli long time since i blogged.. i guess i've been busy lately! i mean wif psle n so.. lets c wat i missed! well...thr was prelim n i've gotten 1st in class! eng:76 maths:65 sci:60 mt:79.. n the after party!yeah! it was at nic's hse. i went thr wif atifah n qamarul.. walk thr>>got sprayed wif water, played at the playground got scolded by security guard,blahablah cake,blahablah wine,blahblahblah blind mice, blahblahblah vampire! uhuhuhuh, came my ex- bf, shasa. blah blahblah some played soccer wif him..diz eurasion gal so small yet so cute brought her hamsters, big mama n white..cute! duh then played water fight, blahablah got soaked blahablah go home wif atifah n qamarul coz got tuition,blahblah the rest play until nite!blahblah..

sry 4 saein blahblahblah so much.. im juz wanna cut the story short!
keepin it cool, irin..