Your Element is Earth |
![]() Your power color: yellow Your energy: balancing Your season: changing of seasons Dedicated and responsible, you are a rock to your friends. You are skilled at working out even the most difficult problems. Low key and calm, you are happiest when you are around loved ones. Ambitious and goal oriented, you have long term plans to be successful. |
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
You'll Find Love Where You Least Expect It |
![]() You're the type most likely to find love... surprised? You shouldn't be! You're a fun, independent woman who is always out and about. And you're smart to sometimes leave your girlfriends behind and go it alone. Men love to approach you when you're out by yourself - including Mr. Perfect! |
Sunday, March 04, 2007

24 feb 20007
went 4 the kc auditions. meet yasmin(one of the c.a.y.a.s.),khai n qyisti n surprisingly sharifah frm teck whye pri. it was so awesome thr..i meet alot of new frends the 1 thing i hate was the freaking long line! lyke thr was lyke a 1000 ppl thr n it was just 4 the kids category imagine if the adults 1 was held at the smae time! omg! lyke so totali pressure bt at alast it was continue 2morrow as the judges werent able 2 c so mani ppl. the nxt day i made frends wif dis hottie-cuttie-lovelly guy-well actuali he made frends wif me bt its almost the same thin rite?? we were toking abt hw nervous n hw it seemed we were so nt prepared.. then we burst out laughing.. we were actuali toking out loud n every1 was looking at us strange ..we then had 2 take the lift up 2 the 5 lvl. thr we waited outside the kc office. i sat beside him .. then thr was dis feky werido geeky nerdy snooby guy hu kept singing smack that in his own pathetic ugly voice. me n the hottie listened 2 his mp3 2 blocked his singing-man, was he loud! then we amplified the mp3 n guess wad song it was? smack that! the freako was dancing around singing..even though hes voice sux hhe was kinda entertaining.. we then whispered 2 each other saeing hw idiotic he looked..hahha.. then we were brought into the kc meeting room. thr we watched tv on the lcd tv, drank water, relaxin in the aircon nchatted non-stopped.. the freako was boasting abt himself saein hw great he was.. all hailed the mighty god- or should i say mighty freak! hhahahaa..during the auditions.. i sae my lines as usual n i then i gave the judges a smile.. the judges sae i had a beautiful smile.. after the auditions i walked with the hottie n sum others 2 the canteen.. then i waved 2 them all.. then the hottie sae, hope 2 cya soon.. i was lyke yeah we will. i then went home wif my parents.. wow! he was such a great guy! so wad if i dun gt the cut, i gt 2 meet a hottie didnt i?

16 feb 2007
thr was no badminton, no cca, no mass reading, went back to my old sch bt we were kicked out. damn it.. so me,c.a.y.a.s.,mira,jar,iqah,yrha,caca n the guys hang out at the void deck. then we laughed n went here thr n everywhr. Amir then showed us sum cool magic tricks.. it was so remox! he totali rawk! we were all begging him 2 teach us bt he sae dat onli he can do it.wre were all lyke "awwww, amir u so selfish r u".. then after dat when 2 7-11 n chilled. it was our usual hangout our territory.then dis nerdy geeky gal walked in n lyke totali walked in 2 our territory.. we were lyke pissed off by her! she was frm fuhua pri.. she was fat, snobby n geeky lookin..Cuiying gave dat weird look 2 her..she simply ignored..we then faked our names n lyke totali ask her lyke wad was her deal..cuiying kept on petsring her asking everytin abt her till she went home wif her maid.. cuiying u rad! then we just went home..
11 february 2007
went to my Batam trip bt wif my cousins dis time! my cousins, Rizal n Elyz the married couple, firman(my teck whye primary sch cousin),firdaus n faris his bros n lydia.had a great time, after badminton, i rushed home n after changing we headed 2 the ferry terminal. In the ferry, i was totalli knock out:
1)sumbdy farted
2)hr was knocked out gas
3)i was tired
4) i had sea sickness
well i was seasick, so i felt lyke puking on the way thr.. in batam my dad n his driver came 2 pick us up n drove us back 2 the hotel which is at the top of a hill. in the room, we called 4 room service..after dat my bro n i watch our anime on tv.. n we went 2 sleep.
the next day, we had free breakfast at the hotel as usual n after dat we went 2 pick our relatives frm the terminal.. we then wen back 2 the hotel. it was my bros birthdae n my bro didnt lyke going out(hes a loner, veri anti-social).aniway we went 2 try the ouh so famous 'ayam penyet' n the deliciouysly choclate hot fude milkshake withechoclate ice-cream n hot chocolate with a cherry on top..yum!
After dat we went shopping at dis new mall dat had just opened was called hyper mart(lame name, hey it rymes omg!lol.) i went 2 matahari(sun in malay, again a lame name) . i shopped till i dropped. i looked at all the clothes dat were ouh so fabulous n the sales were so cheap which is an awesome combination!!oooooolalala!luvin it!back at the hotel i played HOUSE OF THE DEAD 2..WHICH SO TOTALI RAWKS! then the rest of the nite i played pool wif my bro n firman n rizal..
next dae, after hvin our free breakfast, i went swimming wif the guys. my bro n i rawk..since the hotel ius pratically our home we had stuff. i went 2 the counter n ask if i could hve my watergun frm my last visit.. n we did.we sprayed everyone.. even sum dat werent swimming, sry! n our hotel room was the onli one dat had a balcony facing the poolside..
i then went 2 nagoya market as the audults wanted 2 buy some herbs.After dat we went 2 Batam City Square. i didnt do much thr as i was tired of shooping, so i chilled at a h.c wif my dad n granpa..i then took one of those lame rides on a robotic elephant which could move frm one side 2 the other.. guess u noe hw bored i was.. bt iw as so pathetic, i fell down on the way 2 the other side on the! lame shit.. at the hotel they packed their stuff n chiilled at our room as they were checking out n our room was pernament. then played pool again till it was time 2 go.. gonna miss the hotel,lol. i 4 gt i alwys go thr 4 the holis..=p
went to my Batam trip bt wif my cousins dis time! my cousins, Rizal n Elyz the married couple, firman(my teck whye primary sch cousin),firdaus n faris his bros n lydia.had a great time, after badminton, i rushed home n after changing we headed 2 the ferry terminal. In the ferry, i was totalli knock out:
1)sumbdy farted
2)hr was knocked out gas
3)i was tired
4) i had sea sickness
well i was seasick, so i felt lyke puking on the way thr.. in batam my dad n his driver came 2 pick us up n drove us back 2 the hotel which is at the top of a hill. in the room, we called 4 room service..after dat my bro n i watch our anime on tv.. n we went 2 sleep.
the next day, we had free breakfast at the hotel as usual n after dat we went 2 pick our relatives frm the terminal.. we then wen back 2 the hotel. it was my bros birthdae n my bro didnt lyke going out(hes a loner, veri anti-social).aniway we went 2 try the ouh so famous 'ayam penyet' n the deliciouysly choclate hot fude milkshake withechoclate ice-cream n hot chocolate with a cherry on top..yum!
After dat we went shopping at dis new mall dat had just opened was called hyper mart(lame name, hey it rymes omg!lol.) i went 2 matahari(sun in malay, again a lame name) . i shopped till i dropped. i looked at all the clothes dat were ouh so fabulous n the sales were so cheap which is an awesome combination!!oooooolalala!luvin it!back at the hotel i played HOUSE OF THE DEAD 2..WHICH SO TOTALI RAWKS! then the rest of the nite i played pool wif my bro n firman n rizal..
next dae, after hvin our free breakfast, i went swimming wif the guys. my bro n i rawk..since the hotel ius pratically our home we had stuff. i went 2 the counter n ask if i could hve my watergun frm my last visit.. n we did.we sprayed everyone.. even sum dat werent swimming, sry! n our hotel room was the onli one dat had a balcony facing the poolside..
i then went 2 nagoya market as the audults wanted 2 buy some herbs.After dat we went 2 Batam City Square. i didnt do much thr as i was tired of shooping, so i chilled at a h.c wif my dad n granpa..i then took one of those lame rides on a robotic elephant which could move frm one side 2 the other.. guess u noe hw bored i was.. bt iw as so pathetic, i fell down on the way 2 the other side on the! lame shit.. at the hotel they packed their stuff n chiilled at our room as they were checking out n our room was pernament. then played pool again till it was time 2 go.. gonna miss the hotel,lol. i 4 gt i alwys go thr 4 the holis..=p
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