16 feb 2007
thr was no badminton, no cca, no mass reading, went back to my old sch bt we were kicked out. damn it.. so me,c.a.y.a.s.,mira,jar,iqah,yrha,caca n the guys hang out at the void deck. then we laughed n went here thr n everywhr. Amir then showed us sum cool magic tricks.. it was so remox! he totali rawk! we were all begging him 2 teach us bt he sae dat onli he can do it.wre were all lyke "awwww, amir u so selfish r u".. then after dat when 2 7-11 n chilled. it was our usual hangout our territory.then dis nerdy geeky gal walked in n lyke totali walked in 2 our territory.. we were lyke pissed off by her! she was frm fuhua pri.. she was fat, snobby n geeky lookin..Cuiying gave dat weird look 2 her..she simply ignored..we then faked our names n lyke totali ask her lyke wad was her deal..cuiying kept on petsring her asking everytin abt her till she went home wif her maid.. cuiying u rad! then we just went home..
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