24 feb 20007
went 4 the kc auditions. meet yasmin(one of the c.a.y.a.s.),khai n qyisti n surprisingly sharifah frm teck whye pri. it was so awesome thr..i meet alot of new frends thr.bt the 1 thing i hate was the freaking long line! lyke thr was lyke a 1000 ppl thr n it was just 4 the kids category imagine if the adults 1 was held at the smae time! omg! lyke so totali pressure bt at alast it was continue 2morrow as the judges werent able 2 c so mani ppl. the nxt day i made frends wif dis hottie-cuttie-lovelly guy-well actuali he made frends wif me bt its almost the same thin rite?? we were toking abt hw nervous n hw it seemed we were so nt prepared.. then we burst out laughing.. we were actuali toking out loud n every1 was looking at us strange ..we then had 2 take the lift up 2 the 5 lvl. thr we waited outside the kc office. i sat beside him .. then thr was dis feky werido geeky nerdy snooby guy hu kept singing smack that in his own pathetic ugly voice. me n the hottie listened 2 his mp3 2 blocked his singing-man, was he loud! then we amplified the mp3 n guess wad song it was? smack that! the freako was dancing around singing..even though hes voice sux hhe was kinda entertaining.. we then whispered 2 each other saeing hw idiotic he looked..hahha.. then we were brought into the kc meeting room. thr we watched tv on the lcd tv, drank water, relaxin in the aircon nchatted non-stopped.. the freako was boasting abt himself saein hw great he was.. all hailed the mighty god- or should i say mighty freak! hhahahaa..during the auditions.. i sae my lines as usual n i then i gave the judges a smile.. the judges sae i had a beautiful smile.. after the auditions i walked with the hottie n sum others 2 the canteen.. then i waved 2 them all.. then the hottie sae, hope 2 cya soon.. i was lyke yeah we will. i then went home wif my parents.. wow! he was such a great guy! so wad if i dun gt the cut, i gt 2 meet a hottie didnt i?
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