wow! sry 4 nt posting 4 a while..i guess i`ve been busy.
busy hvein fun dat is! ani way, its has been same old same old.. lets c..
well i gt my PSLE results>> gt 223! i guess i expected a lil bit more bt its still ok.. i'd probably go into hua yi sec.. i gt As 4 all subs except 4 maths which i gt a B. though i cant go 2 my dream sch, its ok rite? i can make my own name in another sch. my super genious cousin gt 249..he even beat out my bro`s score..hes nw known as the most sucessful student among us all..aniway i dun blame him..i mean he has a mom as a tcher n a dad hu is around 2 teach my dad is barely at home since he works mom works late n only teaches me mt coz its the sub shes gd bro? he doesnt help out at all..he just makes matter worse..i end up crying if he teaches me! ani way here r my sec sch choices:
1)Bukit Panjang Govt. High
2)Fuhua Sec
3)Commenwealth Sec
4)Swiss Cottage Sec
5)Bukit Batok Sec
6)Hua Yi Sec
dying of boredom..bye!
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Monday, November 20, 2006

lets c..i guess i 've been reli lazy 2 post.aniways..
thr was the trip 2 jec..had a blast..we went 2 meet at sch..we as in
me,iifah,cuiying n amandaC.. i met iifah at the bustop ..iifah wore dis lyke dress i mean it looked nice bt the onli thing was dat big cut in the middle..i tried 2 control my laughter bt end up laughin ..Sry iifah..i cant help it..Then we went 2 the sch gate..saw cuiying was nowhr insight..she said she finished 1.30 bt whr is she..i mean she has ballet practice..soon found out she finished at 2.30.. me ,iifah n amandaC went 2 take a stroll around te usual i was annoying dat iifah wanted 2 kill me.hey, im lyke dat! after cuying finished her practice we took da bus..i cant believe cuiying n atifah had time 2 put on eyeliner in the bus.. aniway, thr we rushed over 2 the neoprint shop n took sum neos..after dat we had 2 go off as most of us had 2 be back by 3.30pm..i wanted 2 eat lunch so i called my mum n she sae i could..while waiting 4 iifah hu accompany amandaC 2 de bustop, me n cuiying spotted a bird or more lykely a pick up sumtin dat look lyke a chicken bone..i chased it so did flew up a pole.. cuiying wanted 2 lyke get it down bt didnt coz it lyke it was a bout 2 shit..soon atifah was back n we wnt 2 eat..then later go back home....blhablhablah!
Friday, November 17, 2006
Tdy, was prize -giving day!i was so excited n bored at the same time..i mean i was gonna get the prize 4 2nd in was the speech long !i couldnt take much more.. i was gonna die of boredom bt had frends n i was talkin 2 each other ignorin wad she as in the principal sae..soon after..the ceromony by one we went up stage 2 collect our i was sorta nervous bt then again i might as well get tdis over wif.. i was so surprised weh every1 cheered 4 me sum even shouted my i was lyke dis is it got even weird when mrs yip sae i had alot of fans..ok so i was lyke since when i was dat popular..after takin my prze had 2 go one round 2 gt back 2 our seats.on the way 2 my seats th e malay tchers congratulate me...i was so happy!i was so happy i didnt realise the mc had pronounce my name wrongly.
at my seat benCsae 2 *him dat it was hes last chance..sumthin lyke dat..then suddenly, benC sae dat on behalf of *him,wouldi accpet his love 4me..i was so delighted ..i 1 2 sae yes bt i chickened out n sae i'll think about it... idiot! idiot me!y didnt i just sae yes?then took pic at the back of the hall 2gether wif sherrill,nick,doggie,cuiying,yasmin n iifah..after dat wen 2 eat at the market wif my shop was close..spotted nick-was waiting 4 his mum..saw benC n his whole family- including his 2 dogs..i 4 got 1 of the names..i think it was Z or sumtin lyke dat..1 of his dogs went near me..i ran hiding..i mean i m a malay n we cant touch dogs even thogh his dogs were cute.. benC laugh at me..wateva!then go bakery shop n 7-11...after dat took taxi home while my mum went 2 home chatted wif jx..quarell wif him about how he kept saein dat he hate sum of my frends n saein dat im so popular n dat every whr i go thr was alwys a none of dat is true..not dat i noe of..!bt then again i alwys quarell wif him wen i c him..wateva!
at my seat benCsae 2 *him dat it was hes last chance..sumthin lyke dat..then suddenly, benC sae dat on behalf of *him,wouldi accpet his love 4me..i was so delighted ..i 1 2 sae yes bt i chickened out n sae i'll think about it... idiot! idiot me!y didnt i just sae yes?then took pic at the back of the hall 2gether wif sherrill,nick,doggie,cuiying,yasmin n iifah..after dat wen 2 eat at the market wif my shop was close..spotted nick-was waiting 4 his mum..saw benC n his whole family- including his 2 dogs..i 4 got 1 of the names..i think it was Z or sumtin lyke dat..1 of his dogs went near me..i ran hiding..i mean i m a malay n we cant touch dogs even thogh his dogs were cute.. benC laugh at me..wateva!then go bakery shop n 7-11...after dat took taxi home while my mum went 2 home chatted wif jx..quarell wif him about how he kept saein dat he hate sum of my frends n saein dat im so popular n dat every whr i go thr was alwys a none of dat is true..not dat i noe of..!bt then again i alwys quarell wif him wen i c him..wateva!
Monday, November 13, 2006
swimming test!!!!!!
argh!!!!im so scared!!actuali im not bt no harm done 2 b alil dramatic..
aniway i was da first person 2 take da test as im register no.1!!
bt i think i did ok..i noe i passed dats 4 sure ..da test was lyke just a few minutes n we spent da rest of da dae playing..first me n cuiying took da yellow slide..after dat 1 of da coach rented 2 floats n we took da blue slide..i thgt it was goin 2 b fun bt it was pretty boring..then i jump into da lazy river 2 drown nazmi 4 mockin me.. i then play wif cuiying n other chinese pupils catching in da lazy river played 4 a long time soon after dat i went 2 changed as it was 10.56 am..not mani were in da changin room at dat time..lucky me.. i took my own sweet time dat was wen ppl started bangin on my door..
after changin i went 2 wear my socks n shoes.. n yet i couldnt find shoes were missing..i looked 4 it..then i couldnt find them i drank justin's drink until it was finished..sry justin! i soon found my shoes wen ms nora asked the 6a students.. dats wen i found my shoes..stupid kalvin cant even rmbr his shoes...i was gonna faint coz i couldnt find my i didnt coz i did found my shoes..wen we were about 2 leave the complex..i felt dizzy so i pulled my self vision was startin 2 blurred..i felt cold n burn up..i my eyes felt soar so was my class.. i rest my head n closed my eyes..i tried 2 keep awake not 1tin others 2 hink i collapsed or sumtin..
i wanted 2 go home by sch bus by cuiying stopped i thgt dat myb i could handle it..gues si was wrong i found myself dizzy n my vision was totalli blurred i rested on hajar shoulders..i was out of sch as yasmin n shahira wanted 2 go 7-11..i just followed as i had 2 take da bus ani way..they then decided 2 go back..dunno y..i couldnt hear a thing..i dunno wad happened bt i soon found myself at the bustop..yasmin had calleed my bro 2 picked me up..n i think i sorta fainted or sumtin..coz everytin was a blank..the next thing i knew.. i was at home on my hse then it was around 3 or 4 bro cooked 4 me n made hot milo..i started 2 feel betta.. i then smsed my frends thankin them caused i owe them lots..
swimming test!!!!!!
argh!!!!im so scared!!actuali im not bt no harm done 2 b alil dramatic..
aniway i was da first person 2 take da test as im register no.1!!
bt i think i did ok..i noe i passed dats 4 sure ..da test was lyke just a few minutes n we spent da rest of da dae playing..first me n cuiying took da yellow slide..after dat 1 of da coach rented 2 floats n we took da blue slide..i thgt it was goin 2 b fun bt it was pretty boring..then i jump into da lazy river 2 drown nazmi 4 mockin me.. i then play wif cuiying n other chinese pupils catching in da lazy river played 4 a long time soon after dat i went 2 changed as it was 10.56 am..not mani were in da changin room at dat time..lucky me.. i took my own sweet time dat was wen ppl started bangin on my door..
after changin i went 2 wear my socks n shoes.. n yet i couldnt find shoes were missing..i looked 4 it..then i couldnt find them i drank justin's drink until it was finished..sry justin! i soon found my shoes wen ms nora asked the 6a students.. dats wen i found my shoes..stupid kalvin cant even rmbr his shoes...i was gonna faint coz i couldnt find my i didnt coz i did found my shoes..wen we were about 2 leave the complex..i felt dizzy so i pulled my self vision was startin 2 blurred..i felt cold n burn up..i my eyes felt soar so was my class.. i rest my head n closed my eyes..i tried 2 keep awake not 1tin others 2 hink i collapsed or sumtin..
i wanted 2 go home by sch bus by cuiying stopped i thgt dat myb i could handle it..gues si was wrong i found myself dizzy n my vision was totalli blurred i rested on hajar shoulders..i was out of sch as yasmin n shahira wanted 2 go 7-11..i just followed as i had 2 take da bus ani way..they then decided 2 go back..dunno y..i couldnt hear a thing..i dunno wad happened bt i soon found myself at the bustop..yasmin had calleed my bro 2 picked me up..n i think i sorta fainted or sumtin..coz everytin was a blank..the next thing i knew.. i was at home on my hse then it was around 3 or 4 bro cooked 4 me n made hot milo..i started 2 feel betta.. i then smsed my frends thankin them caused i owe them lots..
well...wad else did i not post..hmmmmmmmmmmm,,
ouh yea...thr was me n nick..we had a fight or more lyke he was angry at me..
u c it all started wen we were doin stressed balls in the morning we gals were hvein fun, playin wif the flour wipin it on each others face..i was the worse i was as white as a ghost..
then the guys finish doin da "hair" da gals hit sum of da guys wif flour i did da same thing 2
..dats wen i did it on nick..i accidentally knocked his glasses n it fell 2 da flour.. i was so sry..i kept saein a thousand times..he just gave me dis look lyke he saw right through me.i wen 2 wash up..wen i came back i realised dat wen i approached him he would ignored me n avoid goes on all day even at swimming..i went 2 him n sae sry..c.a.y.a.s. tried 2 help me solved the prob bt nick didnt even hear them out.. i cried after he said 2 me dat sry no cure.. luckily i was in a swimming pool so no one saw me.i felt sch, we wen 2 eat 4 lunch..i didnt ate juz drank.i wasnt in da mood 2 eat..ltr i found nick eating wif sum of da usual ppl..i approached him wif iifah..i wen 2 him n beg 4 4giveness.. i told him dat i didnt do it on purpose n dat it was an accident he just nudged at me ignorin wad i sae..he didnt even look at me..i was burnin up b4 i noe it i was running away from him ,crying...iifah shouted at him..tellin him off..i lean against da wall crying lyke i nvr did b4..dats juz da thing..i nvr had a fight wif a frend b4..even if i did it would last lyke a few hours or so
...ltr i wen near da green hse n sat thr..soon sum of my frends lyke yasmin,cuiying,shahira,grace,eugene n darren.y came 2 me..i felt much betta i mean its just 1 frend i hve alot more than dat..i soon stopped crying.. n felt a lil happy..i stuffed my faced in a drink n sum food..played wif sum ants near by..soon after i n iifah followed da guys up 2 class 2 get da stuff 4 a happy toilet.. sum project 2 decorate da toilet..weird rite well its kinda fun in a way..i thinki was crazy coz thne i was bein annoyin n irritatin by repeatin da words all over again n was fun..its normal 4 me 2 do dat as im lyke dat wen im bored..
at home, i msg nick telling him how sry i was.. i guess i was reli sry coz i could rite a whole bio on it..nick soon replied n said dat he 4give me..he said he might had been 2 harsh on me..he said dat he was angry bcoz it reminde him of da past..though i was curious i didnt ask him about his past..i guess he probably saw me crying n decided 2 4give me...
da next dae...i think lester was over charged coz he was bullying me non-stop.. i mean he usuali bullys me bt tdy it was extra morning assembly, i came earlier than i usuali did..i spotted nick bt didnt approached him..i wen past him n wen pver 2 yasmin..then i disturbed "doggie"(yongjie) y takin his back n throwin it around..wad a klutz dat nerd is.. wen we lined up i realised dat nick kept turnin around,lookin at me..i knew wad he was thinkin,"is arina tokin 2 me again? or does she still hate me?"..coz after dat he finali came up 2 me n made jokes so i just tok 2 him..n we were frends 1 is gd..
ouh yea...thr was me n nick..we had a fight or more lyke he was angry at me..
u c it all started wen we were doin stressed balls in the morning we gals were hvein fun, playin wif the flour wipin it on each others face..i was the worse i was as white as a ghost..
then the guys finish doin da "hair" da gals hit sum of da guys wif flour i did da same thing 2
..dats wen i did it on nick..i accidentally knocked his glasses n it fell 2 da flour.. i was so sry..i kept saein a thousand times..he just gave me dis look lyke he saw right through me.i wen 2 wash up..wen i came back i realised dat wen i approached him he would ignored me n avoid goes on all day even at swimming..i went 2 him n sae sry..c.a.y.a.s. tried 2 help me solved the prob bt nick didnt even hear them out.. i cried after he said 2 me dat sry no cure.. luckily i was in a swimming pool so no one saw me.i felt sch, we wen 2 eat 4 lunch..i didnt ate juz drank.i wasnt in da mood 2 eat..ltr i found nick eating wif sum of da usual ppl..i approached him wif iifah..i wen 2 him n beg 4 4giveness.. i told him dat i didnt do it on purpose n dat it was an accident he just nudged at me ignorin wad i sae..he didnt even look at me..i was burnin up b4 i noe it i was running away from him ,crying...iifah shouted at him..tellin him off..i lean against da wall crying lyke i nvr did b4..dats juz da thing..i nvr had a fight wif a frend b4..even if i did it would last lyke a few hours or so
...ltr i wen near da green hse n sat thr..soon sum of my frends lyke yasmin,cuiying,shahira,grace,eugene n darren.y came 2 me..i felt much betta i mean its just 1 frend i hve alot more than dat..i soon stopped crying.. n felt a lil happy..i stuffed my faced in a drink n sum food..played wif sum ants near by..soon after i n iifah followed da guys up 2 class 2 get da stuff 4 a happy toilet.. sum project 2 decorate da toilet..weird rite well its kinda fun in a way..i thinki was crazy coz thne i was bein annoyin n irritatin by repeatin da words all over again n was fun..its normal 4 me 2 do dat as im lyke dat wen im bored..
at home, i msg nick telling him how sry i was.. i guess i was reli sry coz i could rite a whole bio on it..nick soon replied n said dat he 4give me..he said he might had been 2 harsh on me..he said dat he was angry bcoz it reminde him of da past..though i was curious i didnt ask him about his past..i guess he probably saw me crying n decided 2 4give me...
da next dae...i think lester was over charged coz he was bullying me non-stop.. i mean he usuali bullys me bt tdy it was extra morning assembly, i came earlier than i usuali did..i spotted nick bt didnt approached him..i wen past him n wen pver 2 yasmin..then i disturbed "doggie"(yongjie) y takin his back n throwin it around..wad a klutz dat nerd is.. wen we lined up i realised dat nick kept turnin around,lookin at me..i knew wad he was thinkin,"is arina tokin 2 me again? or does she still hate me?"..coz after dat he finali came up 2 me n made jokes so i just tok 2 him..n we were frends 1 is gd..

sigh..lets c wad else i didnt post ouh yea..thr was da hari raya trip wif all blps ppl n of course 1 jurong ..(atiza..)
we had so much fun..we wen 2 so mani house i think iiqah's hse was da bonb..hahs! watch da
movie ~cello..
dAMN Scary..evey 1 was pratically screaming except amirah n caca-so brave
.. da ppl thr were:
so much da thing was almost of them went back home at mii hse..its probably bcoz its was nite da date movie laughed lyke mad..still had fun though..!!

4 not posting lately..
i guess i ve been 2 lazy n tired 2 post...lets c swimming has started..
kinda fun..yasmin had an accident, shahira n i helped..her mum thx us.i got popular voucher..
well nw it has alrdy ended..aniway bt i still hve the memo..
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
last mon,
had a blast...
C.A.Y.A.S.>> i mean C.A.Y.A...shahira wasnt thr..nooo!
plus nic,ben,nazri n doggie=yongjie go 2 JEC 4 fun..we go arcade first..
cuiying reli doesnt get tired of playing the baskatball game..well the guys r even worse..
play non stop..when iifah finali came(whr hve u been gal?), we sneaked out the arcade 2 take sum neoprints.. we took a few..b4 the guys joined in..we posed non-stop(too much ppl not much space..SQUEEZE!!)bt the editin was even worse.. wen we were waitin for the room booth, we played around dis spoil 1..its was kinda dark inside..nic scared me wen he suddenly grabbed me from behind, i even screamed! the whole day was great..sum of the guys ran of wif extra prints..
after dat they all go yasmin`s hse.. 2 do the happy toilet project im part of the group but i no im not allowed 2 go 2 ppl`s hse unless its sum1 my mum noes..
at home ,i was online at MSN n chatted wif atifah and nic (they used cuiying`s acc.)
dat was how i found out dat they didnt even do the project at all..they we playing truth/dare the whole time, wad a rip off!
cat-faced gal out..
had a blast...
C.A.Y.A.S.>> i mean C.A.Y.A...shahira wasnt thr..nooo!
plus nic,ben,nazri n doggie=yongjie go 2 JEC 4 fun..we go arcade first..
cuiying reli doesnt get tired of playing the baskatball game..well the guys r even worse..
play non stop..when iifah finali came(whr hve u been gal?), we sneaked out the arcade 2 take sum neoprints.. we took a few..b4 the guys joined in..we posed non-stop(too much ppl not much space..SQUEEZE!!)bt the editin was even worse.. wen we were waitin for the room booth, we played around dis spoil 1..its was kinda dark inside..nic scared me wen he suddenly grabbed me from behind, i even screamed! the whole day was great..sum of the guys ran of wif extra prints..
after dat they all go yasmin`s hse.. 2 do the happy toilet project im part of the group but i no im not allowed 2 go 2 ppl`s hse unless its sum1 my mum noes..
at home ,i was online at MSN n chatted wif atifah and nic (they used cuiying`s acc.)
dat was how i found out dat they didnt even do the project at all..they we playing truth/dare the whole time, wad a rip off!
cat-faced gal out..
Friday, November 03, 2006
wow! its been A LonG tiME seeN I poSt..I gueSs IVe BeeN BUSY dis wk>>busy hvein fun dat is! Since psle is over, C.A.Y.A.S./C.A.S.A.Y. hve been spendin more time 2gether n our frenship is closer...anyway,since thr is 5 of us..its lyke diff 2 b C.A.Y.A.S/C.A.S.A.Y. bcoz sum1 will alwys b left out..4 me ive alwys been left out..i mean im alwys the odd 1 coz im a BLPSian n i alwys egt invited 2 whreva by my jurong frends..N i end up bein the onli BLPSian..i feel weird n left out wen they talk about their past memo is the old kinda makes me wonder, am i comfortable wif them..??
lifes hard,meow..
lifes hard,meow..
Saturday, October 21, 2006
1.real name.ARiNa raFiyAh IrIn
3.Single or taken?ItS cOmpLIcATed..
4. Zodiac Sign?LeTs C IM a ROOstER..
5.Male or Female?gee ,I dUnnOO waDYa THink? DUH! fEmAlE oF CouRSe..
6.Elementary school:RElIGOus SCH,iyAD..thEN MovED 2 A mosque..studied thr..
7.Surgery:2 tELL U thE trURth I HVe nVr HAD anY SuRGery or OPerATioNS b4..
8.Piercings. im gDgDY gaL 2 PIerce..
10.Award:AboUt 9/10?
11. Sports you can remember:bAdMinTon! i Used 2 Be a BaDminTon pLAyER.. dO u ConSIdE MartiaL arts aS SPOrts? BasIcAlli ITS silAT.. hello red bELT HeRE..
12.Pets?deFiNiTelY cATs ouh n INsectS LykE SpiDERs..
13.Vacation:MaLaYsiA,inDoNEsiA BaTaM>i PrATicAli Live IN inDo nESia WHen i WAS A lil KID..
14.Concert: bEaUty N thE BEAst..
15.Love: FREnDS, video gAmES, MuSiC..UH juStLOOK aT prOfILe..
Your Favourites:
16.Movie(s):All moVIes..but i luv COMedy USuAli..
17. Tv shows? hope and faith,BEwItChED,waD I LykE aBouT U
18. Color(s):BlUe, greEn N rED>>Ouh oF course bLAck n wHIte 2..
19. Music: ALL MUSic r gREAT!
20. Drink: uh lAzY 2 RitE BUt MILO, 100 plUs, MOst SoFT drinkS..N red BULL
21. Body part excluding face. WAd?!!
22. Cartoon: im NOt A CaRTOON typE More of aN aNimE Gal..
23. Piece(s) of clothing: CaRGo pAnTS N wHiTe dreSs..
24. Brand of clothing: DUN reli CAre..
25. You sleep with: MY teddy.. n FaV pIlloW,keEp dIz a SECRET..
26. School: teCK wHye PrI>>bOON lAy PrI>>cUrrEnTlY IN juRonG pRi
27. You're eating: A COOKIE..
28. You're drinking: colD waTer..
29. You're about to: EaT?
30. Listening to:stAcI3 `s IM nOt MiSSiN u
31. Waiting for: night tIme
32. Watching: The computer screen.DUH!!!!!
33. Wearing: bLaCK cArGo PaNtS N red T-sHiRt..
34. Want children: Yes.
35. Want to get married:HOw 2 hVe ChilDREN iF nVr Marry?
36. Careers in mind.teacher?manager of my dads company?
37. Lips or eyes: both
38. Hugs or kisses:hugs....
39. Shorter or taller: Taller..DUH!!!!
40. Romantic or spontaneous: Both.
41. Nice stomach or arms:wad??????
42. Sensitive or loud:A BIt Of boTh..
43. Hook-up or relationship:????maybe hook-up..
44. Sweet or caring: DeFiNItElY BOtH..
45. Troublemaker or hesitant: pReTTy muCh oF bOtH 2..
Have you ever:
46. Kissed a stranger.[hmmmm...NO!!!!HU WoUlD? ]
47. Drank bubbles.[ no!! EWW..tAlK AbOuT gRoss..]
48. Lost glasses or contacts.[NoNE]
49. Ran away from home. [NvR DId..]
50. Broken a bone.[ NO!!]
51. Got an X-ray.[yEa.. ]
52. Broken your admirer's heart.[Yes..DId iT A ThOuSanD TimEs ]
53. Turned someone down.[ DEpEnDs.. ]
54. Cried when someone died.[ Yes...eVEn THoUGH I Nvr DId b4 COz i HADnt gONe 2 A fuNERal B4 BUt HU woulDnt CRY? I deFInitlY wOULd.. ]
55. Cried at school.[Yes.. IM vERy EMotIONal aT timES..]
Do you believe in:
56. God. [100%yEs.. My God! Allah ]
57. Miracles?[yEa! ]
58. Love at first sight:[Yea! ]
59. Aliens.[NO WAy.. ]
60. Magic.[ SoRta..]
61. Heaven[ 100% Yes! ]
62. Santa Claus. [NvR diD! I dIdnT recEIve pRESEnTS FRom him! ]
63. Sex on your first date.[hElLo? BeLOw 18 MucH.. IM noT diRTY minDded U NoE.. i mEAn HU Has SEx ON thEIr 1st DAte?! DAts JUZ craZY! ]
64. Kiss on your first date.[ no!IsNT daT waY 2 FASt 2 STARt wIF?! ]
65.Angels?[yEs! ]
66. Is there someone you want to be with right now?[Yes!!im So BOred aT homE aLL aLone!1 im REli DESpERAtE! ]
Name 20 people you can think of right now. Don't read the following question(s) until you've named the 20 people.
At the end of this, choose 5 people to do this.
10.bEnJaMiN lEe
How did you meet #14.GaViN: thRoUgh fREnDs
-What would you do if you didn't meet #1.cUiYiNg: tHr WiLl b NO 1 2 SAe LAmE 2...
What if #9 and #20 dated.MeLvIn n sHeRrIll:WoW, DatS A gD thgt BUt I dUN 1 MY frENds 2 SuFFer..
Would #6 and #17 make a good couple. SaBrInA n AfIqAh: No WAy THeyRE noT Les! THey Dun EVEn noE EacH oThEr..
-Describe #3.YaSmIn:SMaRt,CoOl,FuNnI,pReTty,Fun HU hAs bEeN inFlUeNcE by mE..mEoW!
-Describe #8.nIcHolAs:CoOL,FuNnI,aCTiVe,FuN..dUh DuNnO waD elSe 2 saE hes juST a Bad Guy DAt LOOKS iNNocENt..
-Describe #7.Him:Gd-LOOKinG,cOOL,fUNNi,SmArT,rIch,KInD n HeLPfUL... u CaN asK Me AnYTHin BOut Him..I NoE
-Know of any #12's family members.dUh!!hES MY brO.. im PArt Of HIs fAmiLY!!
-What would you do if #18 confesses to you that he likes you.ElYcIa:waDYa mEAn hE? sHes A ShE!im NOT a LES noR Is ShE!
-What languages does #15 speaK.raChElNg:EnG n CHinEse!OBvIOUs mUCh!
Who is #9 going out with.MeLvIn: no ONe ..hES SinGLe i GUess..
How old is #16.AmIraH:12
-When is the last time you spoke to #13.LesTer:YesTerDae, UH he USuAli PraNK Calls mE..
-Who is #2's favorite bands/singers.AtIfAh:noT suRE BUT I Noe SHe lUVs thE soNG too LittlE too lAte n Im nOt miSSINg U ..
Would you ever date #4.SHaHirA:no N waY.. we R not Les! STop ASkin SIllY qUES wiLL ya!
-Would you ever date #1?CUiYIng:NeVeR!! 4 thE LasT Time i Am noT Les!
-Is #19 single. HAfIz: DuNno.. i oNLi NOe GaLS adMIre HIM..
-What's #10's last name.bEnJaMin:leE
-Would you ever be in a relationship with #11:jX:nEvEr..No waY ! WE r Juz FreNds! BESiDES i ThiNK hES inTerESted IN sum1..
-Which School is #3 in.YaSMin:HMMM,lEt mE tHInk...oUH i noE thE SamE scH as Me!DUh!
-What is your favourite thing about#5?HaJaR:sHes FUn,FunKY,fUnNi,sHES hiP sHes jUZ PLain COOL!
-Five people who should do this:
3.Single or taken?ItS cOmpLIcATed..
4. Zodiac Sign?LeTs C IM a ROOstER..
5.Male or Female?gee ,I dUnnOO waDYa THink? DUH! fEmAlE oF CouRSe..
6.Elementary school:RElIGOus SCH,iyAD..thEN MovED 2 A mosque..studied thr..
7.Surgery:2 tELL U thE trURth I HVe nVr HAD anY SuRGery or OPerATioNS b4..
8.Piercings. im gDgDY gaL 2 PIerce..
10.Award:AboUt 9/10?
11. Sports you can remember:bAdMinTon! i Used 2 Be a BaDminTon pLAyER.. dO u ConSIdE MartiaL arts aS SPOrts? BasIcAlli ITS silAT.. hello red bELT HeRE..
12.Pets?deFiNiTelY cATs ouh n INsectS LykE SpiDERs..
13.Vacation:MaLaYsiA,inDoNEsiA BaTaM>i PrATicAli Live IN inDo nESia WHen i WAS A lil KID..
14.Concert: bEaUty N thE BEAst..
15.Love: FREnDS, video gAmES, MuSiC..UH juStLOOK aT prOfILe..
Your Favourites:
16.Movie(s):All moVIes..but i luv COMedy USuAli..
17. Tv shows? hope and faith,BEwItChED,waD I LykE aBouT U
18. Color(s):BlUe, greEn N rED>>Ouh oF course bLAck n wHIte 2..
19. Music: ALL MUSic r gREAT!
20. Drink: uh lAzY 2 RitE BUt MILO, 100 plUs, MOst SoFT drinkS..N red BULL
21. Body part excluding face. WAd?!!
22. Cartoon: im NOt A CaRTOON typE More of aN aNimE Gal..
23. Piece(s) of clothing: CaRGo pAnTS N wHiTe dreSs..
24. Brand of clothing: DUN reli CAre..
25. You sleep with: MY teddy.. n FaV pIlloW,keEp dIz a SECRET..
26. School: teCK wHye PrI>>bOON lAy PrI>>cUrrEnTlY IN juRonG pRi
27. You're eating: A COOKIE..
28. You're drinking: colD waTer..
29. You're about to: EaT?
30. Listening to:stAcI3 `s IM nOt MiSSiN u
31. Waiting for: night tIme
32. Watching: The computer screen.DUH!!!!!
33. Wearing: bLaCK cArGo PaNtS N red T-sHiRt..
34. Want children: Yes.
35. Want to get married:HOw 2 hVe ChilDREN iF nVr Marry?
36. Careers in mind.teacher?manager of my dads company?
37. Lips or eyes: both
38. Hugs or kisses:hugs....
39. Shorter or taller: Taller..DUH!!!!
40. Romantic or spontaneous: Both.
41. Nice stomach or arms:wad??????
42. Sensitive or loud:A BIt Of boTh..
43. Hook-up or relationship:????maybe hook-up..
44. Sweet or caring: DeFiNItElY BOtH..
45. Troublemaker or hesitant: pReTTy muCh oF bOtH 2..
Have you ever:
46. Kissed a stranger.[hmmmm...NO!!!!HU WoUlD? ]
47. Drank bubbles.[ no!! EWW..tAlK AbOuT gRoss..]
48. Lost glasses or contacts.[NoNE]
49. Ran away from home. [NvR DId..]
50. Broken a bone.[ NO!!]
51. Got an X-ray.[yEa.. ]
52. Broken your admirer's heart.[Yes..DId iT A ThOuSanD TimEs ]
53. Turned someone down.[ DEpEnDs.. ]
54. Cried when someone died.[ Yes...eVEn THoUGH I Nvr DId b4 COz i HADnt gONe 2 A fuNERal B4 BUt HU woulDnt CRY? I deFInitlY wOULd.. ]
55. Cried at school.[Yes.. IM vERy EMotIONal aT timES..]
Do you believe in:
56. God. [100%yEs.. My God! Allah ]
57. Miracles?[yEa! ]
58. Love at first sight:[Yea! ]
59. Aliens.[NO WAy.. ]
60. Magic.[ SoRta..]
61. Heaven[ 100% Yes! ]
62. Santa Claus. [NvR diD! I dIdnT recEIve pRESEnTS FRom him! ]
63. Sex on your first date.[hElLo? BeLOw 18 MucH.. IM noT diRTY minDded U NoE.. i mEAn HU Has SEx ON thEIr 1st DAte?! DAts JUZ craZY! ]
64. Kiss on your first date.[ no!IsNT daT waY 2 FASt 2 STARt wIF?! ]
65.Angels?[yEs! ]
66. Is there someone you want to be with right now?[Yes!!im So BOred aT homE aLL aLone!1 im REli DESpERAtE! ]
Name 20 people you can think of right now. Don't read the following question(s) until you've named the 20 people.
At the end of this, choose 5 people to do this.
10.bEnJaMiN lEe
How did you meet #14.GaViN: thRoUgh fREnDs
-What would you do if you didn't meet #1.cUiYiNg: tHr WiLl b NO 1 2 SAe LAmE 2...
What if #9 and #20 dated.MeLvIn n sHeRrIll:WoW, DatS A gD thgt BUt I dUN 1 MY frENds 2 SuFFer..
Would #6 and #17 make a good couple. SaBrInA n AfIqAh: No WAy THeyRE noT Les! THey Dun EVEn noE EacH oThEr..
-Describe #3.YaSmIn:SMaRt,CoOl,FuNnI,pReTty,Fun HU hAs bEeN inFlUeNcE by mE..mEoW!
-Describe #8.nIcHolAs:CoOL,FuNnI,aCTiVe,FuN..dUh DuNnO waD elSe 2 saE hes juST a Bad Guy DAt LOOKS iNNocENt..
-Describe #7.Him:Gd-LOOKinG,cOOL,fUNNi,SmArT,rIch,KInD n HeLPfUL... u CaN asK Me AnYTHin BOut Him..I NoE
-Know of any #12's family members.dUh!!hES MY brO.. im PArt Of HIs fAmiLY!!
-What would you do if #18 confesses to you that he likes you.ElYcIa:waDYa mEAn hE? sHes A ShE!im NOT a LES noR Is ShE!
-What languages does #15 speaK.raChElNg:EnG n CHinEse!OBvIOUs mUCh!
Who is #9 going out with.MeLvIn: no ONe ..hES SinGLe i GUess..
How old is #16.AmIraH:12
-When is the last time you spoke to #13.LesTer:YesTerDae, UH he USuAli PraNK Calls mE..
-Who is #2's favorite bands/singers.AtIfAh:noT suRE BUT I Noe SHe lUVs thE soNG too LittlE too lAte n Im nOt miSSINg U ..
Would you ever date #4.SHaHirA:no N waY.. we R not Les! STop ASkin SIllY qUES wiLL ya!
-Would you ever date #1?CUiYIng:NeVeR!! 4 thE LasT Time i Am noT Les!
-Is #19 single. HAfIz: DuNno.. i oNLi NOe GaLS adMIre HIM..
-What's #10's last name.bEnJaMin:leE
-Would you ever be in a relationship with #11:jX:nEvEr..No waY ! WE r Juz FreNds! BESiDES i ThiNK hES inTerESted IN sum1..
-Which School is #3 in.YaSMin:HMMM,lEt mE tHInk...oUH i noE thE SamE scH as Me!DUh!
-What is your favourite thing about#5?HaJaR:sHes FUn,FunKY,fUnNi,sHES hiP sHes jUZ PLain COOL!
-Five people who should do this:
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
tdY IM fEeLiN kINdA boRed... Im loNeLy aT hOme AS I alWyS aM aT hOmE duRin th wKdAeS..As:
1)My MuM iS wOrKin
2)myDaD Is wOrKin oVerSeAS AS UsUaL
3) mY bRo Is aLwYs HAnGiN oUT wIf HiS FreNdS tIl lAtE sUmTiMeS aFtER ThE TiMe 2 bReaK fAsT..
4) itZ A HoLiDaY AS ItS a mArKin DaE
5) My FreNdS r NOt hErE..
6) My CaTs >mAnJa{pAmPeReD} N pUtIh{WhItE}<>
IM feElIn BOrED...sAd..ConFUsED..LonElY..tIrED...nOt 2 MeNtIon HunGry!
Duh DuNnO waT 2 POsT aRghhh..!
1)My MuM iS wOrKin
2)myDaD Is wOrKin oVerSeAS AS UsUaL
3) mY bRo Is aLwYs HAnGiN oUT wIf HiS FreNdS tIl lAtE sUmTiMeS aFtER ThE TiMe 2 bReaK fAsT..
4) itZ A HoLiDaY AS ItS a mArKin DaE
5) My FreNdS r NOt hErE..
6) My CaTs >mAnJa{pAmPeReD} N pUtIh{WhItE}<>
IM feElIn BOrED...sAd..ConFUsED..LonElY..tIrED...nOt 2 MeNtIon HunGry!
Duh DuNnO waT 2 POsT aRghhh..!
Monday, October 16, 2006
*Write down a few people who you are tagging.
*Alert them by tagging onto their tagboard and informing them about this thing.
*Do it without complaining.
Q1.Which friend did you got to know and talked to on the first day of your 2006 life?[aTiFaH]
Q2.Do you have a crush?[sOrTA]
Q3.Mind if you give the name?[no i MinD]
Q4.How many days or months or years have you liked him?[sUmTiMe DIz yR]Q5.Which sex do you hate the most?[Duh...thE gUYs AlWyS tEasE mE CaLlIN mE Cat -fACeD]
Q6.They are?[ DiZ Is KINdA PERsOnAl]
Q7.Where will you be going?[GOiN 2 CLeAn mY rOOm]
Q8.What are you wearing?[A SlEeVeLeSs sHiRt n BlAcK pAnTs]
Q9.The last time you got someone angry?[MY BrO-lOnG sToRy]
Q10.What do you want?[EVeRyThIn N aNyTHin In THe WoRlD]
Q11.Who do you miss?[mY FrEnDs n My DaD]
Q12.Your last examination?[sInCe PSL3]
Q13.The caller you miss?[dUh..]
Q14.How are you feeling right now?[bored..IaLwYs dO]
Q15.Who are you closest to?[CuIyInG, AtIfAh, YaSmIn,sHaHiRa,SAbRiNa]
*Alert them by tagging onto their tagboard and informing them about this thing.
*Do it without complaining.
Q1.Which friend did you got to know and talked to on the first day of your 2006 life?[aTiFaH]
Q2.Do you have a crush?[sOrTA]
Q3.Mind if you give the name?[no i MinD]
Q4.How many days or months or years have you liked him?[sUmTiMe DIz yR]Q5.Which sex do you hate the most?[Duh...thE gUYs AlWyS tEasE mE CaLlIN mE Cat -fACeD]
Q6.They are?[ DiZ Is KINdA PERsOnAl]
Q7.Where will you be going?[GOiN 2 CLeAn mY rOOm]
Q8.What are you wearing?[A SlEeVeLeSs sHiRt n BlAcK pAnTs]
Q9.The last time you got someone angry?[MY BrO-lOnG sToRy]
Q10.What do you want?[EVeRyThIn N aNyTHin In THe WoRlD]
Q11.Who do you miss?[mY FrEnDs n My DaD]
Q12.Your last examination?[sInCe PSL3]
Q13.The caller you miss?[dUh..]
Q14.How are you feeling right now?[bored..IaLwYs dO]
Q15.Who are you closest to?[CuIyInG, AtIfAh, YaSmIn,sHaHiRa,SAbRiNa]
LaSt sUn..
My rElIgOuS eXaM.. i NOe IM gOnnnA FAil 4 sUre as
1) i DiDnT StUdY
2)i StAyeD up laTe THe NigHT b4
3) I hAd A HoRrIbLe HeaDaCHe dUrIN tHE eXAm
4) I nEaRlY fElL AsLeEp!
theSE R thE sYmpToMs OF FAiLin N eXAm-RElI!
unLeSs LaDy LucK iS on UR SiDE daT iz...
AnYwaYz AfTer DAt i weNt hOMe WIf THe gUyZ aS uSuAl- My BrO
Go HomE... i SAt ON thE sOfa N knOCk oFf INstANtLy!
1)i WAS RElI tired
2)NeEdeD 2 caTCh ON My SlEeP
3) thR was KnocKoUt gAS in THe LIVin RoOM
4) sOmEbDy FArtED in THe rOom
LaTer, IrIN-GeRl
My rElIgOuS eXaM.. i NOe IM gOnnnA FAil 4 sUre as
1) i DiDnT StUdY
2)i StAyeD up laTe THe NigHT b4
3) I hAd A HoRrIbLe HeaDaCHe dUrIN tHE eXAm
4) I nEaRlY fElL AsLeEp!
theSE R thE sYmpToMs OF FAiLin N eXAm-RElI!
unLeSs LaDy LucK iS on UR SiDE daT iz...
AnYwaYz AfTer DAt i weNt hOMe WIf THe gUyZ aS uSuAl- My BrO
Go HomE... i SAt ON thE sOfa N knOCk oFf INstANtLy!
1)i WAS RElI tired
2)NeEdeD 2 caTCh ON My SlEeP
3) thR was KnocKoUt gAS in THe LIVin RoOM
4) sOmEbDy FArtED in THe rOom
LaTer, IrIN-GeRl
LaSt sAt..
WAs a hoRrIBlE-HoRrIblE-HoRrIblE DaE! i Dun 1 2 TeLl ya ThE rEAsON CoZ My FReNds mIgHT ReAd my bLoG n wIlL FeEl GUilTY n TaKe IT as im ANgRy AT tHeM.. wElL, ImEaN cHinAtOwN iZ CoOl N aLl BuT.. iTs juZ dAT IM hu I sPeNt thE daE wIf.. I reMeBer hoW MY bLPs FRenDS n i Used 2 dO aT chINaToWn LAsT Yr.. We hAd loTs oF fUN! LEtS SaE iT JuZ IsNt thE saMe WIf MY New FreNds.. I MeAn Im A BLPSian.. I aLwYs HAnG oUT wiF My FreNds IN 6i AT pARtiES N HAnGoUT bUT sUM TImES I juz FeEl TotAlLI lEft OUt.. iTs LyKe I duN fIt IN wIf THem!!
SighZ, sUMtIMes I wIsh i CoULd RElIvE dIz YR 2006 n 4gET i WAs Eva in 6I!oR IN jUroNg!
WAs a hoRrIBlE-HoRrIblE-HoRrIblE DaE! i Dun 1 2 TeLl ya ThE rEAsON CoZ My FReNds mIgHT ReAd my bLoG n wIlL FeEl GUilTY n TaKe IT as im ANgRy AT tHeM.. wElL, ImEaN cHinAtOwN iZ CoOl N aLl BuT.. iTs juZ dAT IM hu I sPeNt thE daE wIf.. I reMeBer hoW MY bLPs FRenDS n i Used 2 dO aT chINaToWn LAsT Yr.. We hAd loTs oF fUN! LEtS SaE iT JuZ IsNt thE saMe WIf MY New FreNds.. I MeAn Im A BLPSian.. I aLwYs HAnG oUT wiF My FreNds IN 6i AT pARtiES N HAnGoUT bUT sUM TImES I juz FeEl TotAlLI lEft OUt.. iTs LyKe I duN fIt IN wIf THem!!
SighZ, sUMtIMes I wIsh i CoULd RElIvE dIz YR 2006 n 4gET i WAs Eva in 6I!oR IN jUroNg!
Saturday, October 14, 2006
LeTs c.. wat ElSe DiD i miss?hmm.. well thr was block catching, huhu got grounded! ok lol not funny! anywayz, i went shoPpIn wIf jArJaR[my gd fREnD].. LeTs c , thr was me catchin up wif my old frendz[twps]..OuH n ThE ToTaLlI iMpOrTaNt eXam:`PsLe'!
IM So sCaRed !JUz kIdDiN..
tElL U MoRe sUmTiMe lAtEr...IriN-GeRL
IM So sCaRed !JUz kIdDiN..
tElL U MoRe sUmTiMe lAtEr...IriN-GeRL
Thursday, October 12, 2006
wow!i diddnt realised its been dat long since i blogged!
hey, its been a reli reli long time since i blogged.. i guess i've been busy lately! i mean wif psle n so.. lets c wat i missed! well...thr was prelim n i've gotten 1st in class! eng:76 maths:65 sci:60 mt:79.. n the after party!yeah! it was at nic's hse. i went thr wif atifah n qamarul.. walk thr>>got sprayed wif water, played at the playground got scolded by security guard,blahablah cake,blahablah wine,blahblahblah blind mice, blahblahblah vampire! uhuhuhuh, came my ex- bf, shasa. blah blahblah some played soccer wif him..diz eurasion gal so small yet so cute brought her hamsters, big mama n white..cute! duh then played water fight, blahablah got soaked blahablah go home wif atifah n qamarul coz got tuition,blahblah the rest play until nite!blahblah..
sry 4 saein blahblahblah so much.. im juz wanna cut the story short!
keepin it cool, irin..
sry 4 saein blahblahblah so much.. im juz wanna cut the story short!
keepin it cool, irin..
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
uhh... no way!!!!!!!!!!!! i cant believe it. dis is so horibble.. im gonna b dead! my maths, i got a 53 4 the first time in my life! i guess the ca1 results was jus luck. my sci i got a 71 . i was down wif dat but i cant belive dat i just pass my maths. i knew i couldnt failied as i nvr did b4 in dis sub. eng, i was kinda happy i mean improved . my dad was ok wif it. when my dad shouted n scolded n slapped me in the face 4 so many times i thgt i had 2 sleep out side the hse again.. but no. i was lucky n glad. i mean thr is no one 2 comfort me. the cat dat i truely luv was gone. my fwens r not in the mood. my family nvr reli cared as it was my fault. as i shall alwys b the sad,lonely gerl once more...
feeling even more lonely n depressed,
feeling even more lonely n depressed,
exam finali over.. uhh , im so freaking stress nowdays i dunno y but i am.. im sometimes confused n lonely 2. im kinda realising dat im losing some of my old fwens.. i mean 'they' barely talk 2 me or even say hi. when 'they' r wif their new fwens they completely ignored me.i feel so alone n upset i wish dis was another bad dream n i would wake up in a happy life-no probs..alwys soulutions,no stress..jus happiness,no loneliness..2gether 4eva.. i sometimes if fantasy could b reality.sigh!!!feel lyke im in the dark wif no light in my life.i wish i could leave dis life n start a new....HaiZ!!! but its all reality.
Thursday, May 11, 2006
i cant believe it.. i actually had the second worse time wif my fwens..sigh.. im stress n confused..exams r coming up at least gd fri is coming.. syafiqah was upset as i was so friendly 2 her during recess.. i mean y should i care. she hardly talks or hangs wif me during recess anymore.. shes alwys wif Farah, siti, nura n caca. but im cool wif caca.. she hangs around sometimes. she had a fight wif them n she wants me 2 help her.. way. every blps students kinda hate her..well, she desevres it!! uhhh.. i told her they were un cool.. lyke totally wateva.. but after all.. come 2 thin of it im her only fwen left. should i help?
no way!!!
i cant believe it my luck just got worse... i will be transferred 2 another class 4 maths y did i hve 2 get an 82 y???!!! my frewns.. so hopeless n miserable.. i want 2 stay in my class 4eva.. hu noe wad dis might.. wad if i get bad marks 4 my next exams.. wad if i cant cope wif wad they r doing..wahhhh.....!!!!!!! im so stressed out n depressed right now. i feeling lyke dying...
about me..

im a 12 yrs old. my hair is dark brown n so is my eye colour. im quite gd in studies..average.. dat doesnt mean im a nerd. im not a girly gerl but im not a tomboy either.. i may be harsh n rough but i can be gentle at times...sorta.. dun mess wif me as i learn self-defence.. i hve a slight temp when some one is so obessed.. it usually means im stressed out.. but i can handle it..i think. uhhhhh..i also hve an anonying bro.. i luv cats sum sae i even look lyke 1..wateva itis, i am hu i am!
ohh no..
tdy was ugh... my x bf say 143 when i told i dun lyke him anymore..doesnt he understand the word break n up.. ugh... my family is also suspecting me n syukri(hu is secretly my new bf).n that i hve a lyking 4 him.. i mean its true but wad if my dad found out.. he`s going 2 kill me..Ahhhh..!!!!!
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