lets c..i guess i 've been reli lazy 2 post.aniways..
thr was the trip 2 jec..had a blast..we went 2 meet at sch..we as in
me,iifah,cuiying n amandaC.. i met iifah at the bustop ..iifah wore dis lyke dress i mean it looked nice bt the onli thing was dat big cut in the middle..i tried 2 control my laughter bt end up laughin ..Sry iifah..i cant help it..Then we went 2 the sch gate..saw amandaC..bt cuiying was nowhr insight..she said she finished 1.30 bt whr is she..i mean she has ballet practice..soon found out she finished at 2.30.. me ,iifah n amandaC went 2 take a stroll around te neighbourhood..as usual i was annoying dat iifah wanted 2 kill me.hey, im lyke dat! after cuying finished her practice we took da bus..i cant believe cuiying n atifah had time 2 put on eyeliner in the bus.. aniway, thr we rushed over 2 the neoprint shop n took sum neos..after dat we had 2 go off as most of us had 2 be back by 3.30pm..i wanted 2 eat lunch so i called my mum n she sae i could..while waiting 4 iifah hu accompany amandaC 2 de bustop, me n cuiying spotted a bird or more lykely a mynah.it pick up sumtin dat look lyke a chicken bone..i chased it so did cuiying..it flew up a pole.. cuiying wanted 2 lyke get it down bt didnt coz it lyke it was a bout 2 shit..soon atifah was back n we wnt 2 eat..then later go back home....blhablhablah!
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