thr was a meeting last thurs .it was abt the upcoming prefect was for team building n gt together purposes.had so much fun.our senpais had organised an amazing race for us n prizes were sponsered by our sensei, mr cheong.we were split into groups of four consisting of our sec 2 n sec 1s. we went 2 orchard to the paragon to plaza singapura to fort canning to a fire station to the national library at bugis to bugis junction shopping mall to suntec city to city hall n back to sch.back at sch we were supposed to hve a bbq party bt it was we ate nasi lemak.they gave out the food dat were meant 4 the bbq.ltr the rain sorta stopped n we decided 2 went on with our bbq. we ate roasted marshmallows-my fav!,n bbq sausauges.yumyum!we had syrup drinks n we shared nachos n pringles.we had the prize giving ceremony whr our senpais n vic principal gave out to the winners.ltr we played games n fireworks.everyone was having an awesome 8.45 we went home aftr cleaning up the place so dat nby would no dat us prefects had been thr.i reach home at 10.05 whr my bro waited for me at the bs near my home.
i t was definately a wonderful day.
Friday, December 14, 2007
anime & manga
yo. i am currently reading 25 mangas.i ve completed 7 of them.finding new mangas 2 read everyday while waiting for updates.i also watched 16 animes.i ve completed all except 3 of them.i ve also watched 8 of the anime movies made.thinking of which one 2 watch nxt.hmmm..
hopeful i gt 2 complete it by the end of january.luck-ky!
hopeful i gt 2 complete it by the end of january.luck-ky!
badminton training
hey. sry nvr update.i ve been 2 engrossed in manga and anime dat i couldnt be bothered 2 update.anyways,i'll tell u abt badminton.lets c. badminton training has been scheduled 2 everyday at cck 9am in the far ive been late for all sessions.lucky they nvr take attendance.phew.sum of us hve been slacking it off n sum dun even wan 2 would.i cant even wake up at 9am.i usually wake up at 11am.anyways thr was a time wen i hid in the toilet wif wanling n zhiting.we also walk outside the stadium.we wanted 2 escape training.hehe.unfortunately we left our stuuf back we ended up going back.since i was late most of the time i didnt reli hve any training.recently our coach danial gt hit in the eye wen one of our senpais did a back tap.ouchies.i didnt attend dis wk coz i woke up at 11 n sum purposely nvr cum.badminton camp is cuming !!arhx!!no!!i hope the sec 1 registration will clash with it!i rather bring sum ppl around the sch den go 2 camp.
i hve my fingers cross!
i hve my fingers cross!
Sunday, November 11, 2007
maomao!! here.
its been a long time since ive blog.
fyi its nt bcoz im busy or lazy-like hello holis hve started n schs out.
its just dat the computers been a little crazy lately.
turns out its been attacked by a virus-again.
anyway, my dad back frm work n finally fixed datbusted com.
bt im using the laptop instead of the com.-who wants a com wen u gt a laptop.
just filling in on updates.
24 october
it was our sci discovery centre trip.
its near my hse.
us g.friends were fighting wif the guys over a backseat at the bus.
the guys won.
wee.just great.
walk around.
i just came here recently wif my family as we gt free passes so thr was nth much 2 expect.
the reporter exhibition nvr gets old though.
i felt so bored.
the rest of lta were hving so much fun.
just 2 ensure their hapiness lasted i treat them pizza.
then cheryl was going on wif her questions of me being rich.
just bcoz u treat ppl pizza doesnt mean ur rich.
it was only 2 pans-no biggie.
den after dat if was the manga drawing course.
being a crazy manga/anime fanatic, i love it so much.
i guess cheryl n wenxuan were preety beat. they were sleeping throughout the class.
nini n me help out in their drawings. i really didnt follow a single thing dat was being taught since i learn sumof it at manga wif my bro.
i was gonna porn badminton tdy just like my maomi say i could.
so i ask tcher if i could go back home frm thr since like it would be a waste if i wen 2 sch frm jurong 2 cck n 2 jurong n 2 cck again n took the bus 172 2 jurong again.
as u can c its acomplete waste of my time.
wen i asked her, i expected her 2 say yes .
wannna noe wad she said?-NO.
dats right, she gave me a big,fat,downright no.
so i travelled again fro n to the same place in one day.
25 october
tdy was the hip hop dancing course.
it was kinda fun bt too bad i was separated frm lta.
oh well.
it was so fun lah. i love the beat of the music n the dancing rythms to it.
movements flow throughtout my body.
it was a radical feeling.
wen the first part ended. i just realize i had nailed dat gnarly steps perfectly. n the rest started
gaby started saying sumthin abt me attending this course b4.
recess. the 1/2 peeps came over n said sumthin abt me being a great dancer.
we werent even in the same class.i knew it.shihui must hve told them wad happen.
well aftr eating wen 2 do prefect duty wif indah n xt.
bt it was cancelled so in the end we just slack at the cafe tables.
aftr dat it was back to hiphop again.
i had no idea wad just happen bt i tink the tcher just lost it as she started 2 teach us all the dance move at a remarkable speed .
talk abt an energy boost.
bt un fortunately i dun tink any of us manage it well.-excpt the guys which was sosurprising.
den wen to nini hse aftr sch wif LTA.
den played hello kitty cards sponsered by theva.
too bad yisi wasnt thr. it was a blast.
theva ate his food so un messy? dat his plate was so clean it was like he didnt put anithin on it in the fist place.
after brendan, theva left.-brendan went 2 alvin hse.
watch movie.the mahjong king.
veri nice n funni.
go home.tio scolding frm maomi.
*constant nagging.
den nod head. go sleep.
wad a weird day.
26 october-last day of sch
tdy had the mystery at cckss.
had 2 form groups.
i was ?friendless?
hira didnt cum coz she was sick.
so thr was an unequel balance between us g.friends.
i was so called left out.
so i went 2 my friends dat would take me in no matter wad. in other words my true friends.
love them alwys.
we form a group n i became the leader.
i actuali expected the rest of lta 2 form a group bt i guess brendan n theva form their own groups.
if was a game. like a treasure hunt. or more likely i was amzing race.
us gals were headstrong we ran here n thr.
we were dripping in sweat.
bt we almost completed it just 1 more to go. unfortunately jc group beat us first.
both our teams well sorta cheated.
we sorta share our findings.hehe.
anyway it was fun.
recess time. sat n ate wif suatkee they all. i had no duty tdy so i could take my sweet time eating.
me n joslyn chatted abt stuff like our life in cckss.
back in class. we had 2 do classroom cleaning.
bt like hello?? dis isnt even our class. we were using the sec 5 classroom.
n it was as though a storm had passed through thr coz it was filled with pappers n litters
n wad up wif the shortage of chairs?
aniway we cleaned it. den mdm zainab took class photo.
then sumthing funny happened.
binhan accidentally punched joslyn *tut*
ouch. talk abt being raped on the last day of sch.
joslyn was going on abt hw unlucky she was dat day n hw binhan didnt even realize it.
is he dumb?blur?cheeky? or all three!
me.joslyn.jess. took pictures at the back of class.
den we just chatted.
gt report bks.
dun wad to tok abt it too dissappointing.
i dropped. frm 7th to 14th. n i had 6 As.
i dun give a damn.
aftr sch had a prefect meeting.
saw kenny,cheryl yeo,eva,
zhiting:eh i hve those earrings bt pink colour.
(pointing 2 eva earrings which was black)
arina:oh yeah. i gt see u wear b4!
eva: yeah. i also hve i bought dis one n pink.
arina: eh u want go badminton later?
zhiting:actuali i dun wan go .
arina:ya lor.last day of sch .hu wan go.
decides nt to go.
arina:eh cheryl we nt going badminton leh?
cheryl yeo:huh?eh walau leh. so less ppl go.cheryl nvr go,u,zhiting.
i tink wanling nvr go.
arina:eh zhiting,wanling gt go?
arina :kenneth, u can pass the consent form 2 mr lee for me?
kenneth:eh, arina go lah.we take taxi together go lah.
arina: aiya.i dunno lah. i see first ok.
zhiting passes her consent form 2 kenneth.
aftr meeting.
arina :sry arhx, kenneth. bt i dun wan go.i just dun hve moodlah.
kenneth:hah.oklah.(passes the top part of the consent form dat is nt nided 2 me)
arina:dun 4gt 2 give the consent form for me. thx.
open parts of his badminton bag n stuffs the piece of paper.
me n zhiting decided 2 go home, instead of slacking.
ameline upset.
coz i ps her so mani times.
meets hira on the way out of sch,together wif sharon.
i ended up accompanying hira2 do sumthing dat i 4gt wad it was.
den walked her home. i bought a drink at 237 thr.walked slowly 2 the bustop.
abt 2 cross road wen a learning car was in front. waited 4 it 2 move. moved so slow it was tsuck or sumthin.felt like kicking the car.
saw the bus cuming. i onli had 2 wait 4 the damn car. n i could board the bus. bt the car move so slow. it barely move within an inch.
kept thinkin in my head.baka.baka.baka.baka.
missed my bus. the car finally moved.
wat the hell .i felt like dragging the driver out of the car.scold him baka a thousand time.stealing the car n driving it home.
i didnt talk 2 the lta dat day til after noon bt it was onli a few words though.
im probably out of dis sch soon.
good riddens!!
su hse.
found a manga-basketball graffiti at her hse.borrowed it in the end. played wif hamsters.
i love naomi!
she so cute. her personality n her name is a perfect suit.
i love her name n her cutesy voice.
nana,su n me were practically in love wif her cuteness.
me,su,nana,man,roy,shariff took pics.siau.
we were camwhoering.
take pics like siaucharbo.
wen home wif happy faces.
28 october
shariff hse.
played murderer. me n nana n su took pictures.
first we played the card versions.
our winks were like blinks. n i our blinks were like our winks.
we laugh our head off.bcoz sum ppl want 2 be the cop wen they r supposed 2 be the victim.
*ahemahem.u noe hu u r.
zaki did sum humor.
n zakir was using his i-am-innocent-as-alwys face.
it was tough.
i den recommended dat we played the abg aus teach us last time.whr we would all hold hands n pass the grips.
so fun lah.
i was staring at everyone wif my biggie cat eyes.
sum couldnt help bt laugh.
wen was raining heavily.
i willstop my updates here for nw.
i dun tink i can go on. my hands r tired n my butt hurts frm sitting tooo long.
if u want 2 noe. its just an excuse for me 2 go read manga n continue watching d gray-man.haha
maomao!! here.
its been a long time since ive blog.
fyi its nt bcoz im busy or lazy-like hello holis hve started n schs out.
its just dat the computers been a little crazy lately.
turns out its been attacked by a virus-again.
anyway, my dad back frm work n finally fixed dat
bt im using the laptop instead of the com.-who wants a com wen u gt a laptop.
just filling in on updates.
24 october
it was our sci discovery centre trip.
its near my hse.
us g.friends were fighting wif the guys over a backseat at the bus.
the guys won.
walk around.
i just came here recently wif my family as we gt free passes so thr was nth much 2 expect.
the reporter exhibition nvr gets old though.
i felt so bored.
the rest of lta were hving so much fun.
just 2 ensure their hapiness lasted i treat them pizza.
then cheryl was going on wif her questions of me being rich.
just bcoz u treat ppl pizza doesnt mean ur rich.
it was only 2 pans-no biggie.
den after dat if was the manga drawing course.
being a crazy manga/anime fanatic, i love it so much.
i guess cheryl n wenxuan were preety beat. they were sleeping throughout the class.
nini n me help out in their drawings. i really didnt follow a single thing dat was being taught since i learn sumof it at manga wif my bro.
i was gonna porn badminton tdy just like my maomi say i could.
so i ask tcher if i could go back home frm thr since like it would be a waste if i wen 2 sch frm jurong 2 cck n 2 jurong n 2 cck again n took the bus 172 2 jurong again.
as u can c its acomplete waste of my time.
wen i asked her, i expected her 2 say yes .
wannna noe wad she said?-NO.
dats right, she gave me a big,fat,downright no.
so i travelled again fro n to the same place in one day.
25 october
tdy was the hip hop dancing course.
it was kinda fun bt too bad i was separated frm lta.
oh well.
it was so fun lah. i love the beat of the music n the dancing rythms to it.
movements flow throughtout my body.
it was a radical feeling.
wen the first part ended. i just realize i had nailed dat gnarly steps perfectly. n the rest started
gaby started saying sumthin abt me attending this course b4.
recess. the 1/2 peeps came over n said sumthin abt me being a great dancer.
we werent even in the same class.i knew it.shihui must hve told them wad happen.
well aftr eating wen 2 do prefect duty wif indah n xt.
bt it was cancelled so in the end we just slack at the cafe tables.
aftr dat it was back to hiphop again.
i had no idea wad just happen bt i tink the tcher just lost it as she started 2 teach us all the dance move at a remarkable speed .
talk abt an energy boost.
bt un fortunately i dun tink any of us manage it well.-excpt the guys which was so
den wen to nini hse aftr sch wif LTA.
den played hello kitty cards sponsered by theva.
too bad yisi wasnt thr. it was a blast.
theva ate his food so un messy? dat his plate was so clean it was like he didnt put anithin on it in the fist place.
after brendan, theva left.-brendan went 2 alvin hse.
watch movie.the mahjong king.
veri nice n funni.
go home.tio scolding frm maomi.
*constant nagging.
den nod head. go sleep.
wad a weird day.
26 october-last day of sch
tdy had the mystery at cckss.
had 2 form groups.
i was ?friendless?
hira didnt cum coz she was sick.
so thr was an unequel balance between us g.friends.
i was so called left out.
so i went 2 my friends dat would take me in no matter wad. in other words my true friends.
love them alwys.
we form a group n i became the leader.
i actuali expected the rest of lta 2 form a group bt i guess brendan n theva form their own groups.
if was a game. like a treasure hunt. or more likely i was amzing race.
us gals were headstrong we ran here n thr.
we were dripping in sweat.
bt we almost completed it just 1 more to go. unfortunately jc group beat us first.
both our teams well sorta cheated.
we sorta share our findings.hehe.
anyway it was fun.
recess time. sat n ate wif suatkee they all. i had no duty tdy so i could take my sweet time eating.
me n joslyn chatted abt stuff like our life in cckss.
back in class. we had 2 do classroom cleaning.
bt like hello?? dis isnt even our class. we were using the sec 5 classroom.
n it was as though a storm had passed through thr coz it was filled with pappers n litters
n wad up wif the shortage of chairs?
aniway we cleaned it. den mdm zainab took class photo.
then sumthing funny happened.
binhan accidentally punched joslyn *tut*
ouch. talk abt being raped on the last day of sch.
joslyn was going on abt hw unlucky she was dat day n hw binhan didnt even realize it.
is he dumb?blur?cheeky? or all three!
me.joslyn.jess. took pictures at the back of class.
den we just chatted.
gt report bks.
dun wad to tok abt it too dissappointing.
i dropped. frm 7th to 14th. n i had 6 As.
i dun give a damn.
aftr sch had a prefect meeting.
saw kenny,cheryl yeo,eva,
zhiting:eh i hve those earrings bt pink colour.
(pointing 2 eva earrings which was black)
arina:oh yeah. i gt see u wear b4!
eva: yeah. i also hve i bought dis one n pink.
arina: eh u want go badminton later?
zhiting:actuali i dun wan go .
arina:ya lor.last day of sch .hu wan go.
decides nt to go.
arina:eh cheryl we nt going badminton leh?
cheryl yeo:huh?eh walau leh. so less ppl go.cheryl nvr go,u,zhiting.
i tink wanling nvr go.
arina:eh zhiting,wanling gt go?
arina :kenneth, u can pass the consent form 2 mr lee for me?
kenneth:eh, arina go lah.we take taxi together go lah.
arina: aiya.i dunno lah. i see first ok.
zhiting passes her consent form 2 kenneth.
aftr meeting.
arina :sry arhx, kenneth. bt i dun wan go.i just dun hve moodlah.
kenneth:hah.oklah.(passes the top part of the consent form dat is nt nided 2 me)
arina:dun 4gt 2 give the consent form for me. thx.
open parts of his badminton bag n stuffs the piece of paper.
me n zhiting decided 2 go home, instead of slacking.
ameline upset.
coz i ps her so mani times.
meets hira on the way out of sch,together wif sharon.
i ended up accompanying hira2 do sumthing dat i 4gt wad it was.
den walked her home. i bought a drink at 237 thr.walked slowly 2 the bustop.
abt 2 cross road wen a learning car was in front. waited 4 it 2 move. moved so slow it was tsuck or sumthin.felt like kicking the car.
saw the bus cuming. i onli had 2 wait 4 the damn car. n i could board the bus. bt the car move so slow. it barely move within an inch.
kept thinkin in my head.baka.baka.baka.baka.
wat the hell .i felt like dragging the driver out of the car.scold him baka a thousand time.stealing the car n driving it home.
i didnt talk 2 the lta dat day til after noon bt it was onli a few words though.
im probably out of dis sch soon.
good riddens!!
su hse.
found a manga-basketball graffiti at her hse.borrowed it in the end. played wif hamsters.
i love naomi!
she so cute. her personality n her name is a perfect suit.
i love her name n her cutesy voice.
nana,su n me were practically in love wif her cuteness.
me,su,nana,man,roy,shariff took pics.siau.
we were camwhoering.
take pics like siaucharbo.
wen home wif happy faces.
28 october
shariff hse.
played murderer. me n nana n su took pictures.
first we played the card versions.
our winks were like blinks. n i our blinks were like our winks.
we laugh our head off.bcoz sum ppl want 2 be the cop wen they r supposed 2 be the victim.
zaki did sum humor.
n zakir was using his i-am-innocent-as-alwys face.
it was tough.
i den recommended dat we played the abg aus teach us last time.whr we would all hold hands n pass the grips.
so fun lah.
i was staring at everyone wif my biggie cat eyes.
sum couldnt help bt laugh.
wen was raining heavily.
i will
i dun tink i can go on. my hands r tired n my butt hurts frm sitting tooo long.
if u want 2 noe. its just an excuse for me 2 go read manga n continue watching d gray-man.haha
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Sabrina's house
23 october.
went to sabrina's house.
just so u noe-she was my best friend in my very 1st pri sch,teck whye pri.
nini n me went 2 macs to have lunch& also to delay time as riina wasnt home frm sch yet.
we ate like pigs til 1 plus.suddenly, nini said"is dat amirah?"
i was like thinkin in my head,"amirah.amirah.dat sounds familiar."
she walked dis way n said hi. i looked at her .she rally look like sumone i noe.
turns out she was my classmate in my 1st pri sch,just like riina.
she look so different as she didnt used to wear specs.
then walked to the swimming poll thr.waited for riina.
admiring the pool view.riina soon arrived ,we walked to her hse.met ayuni's mum on the way.
riina's parents werent at home. her hse is o nice lerhx.
and everything
we watched the movie 'date movie'.
i watched b4 bt nini damn funny sia.then riina talk to her bf,Nafri/irfan,
on the hp. me n nini sort of disturb her.then niniplay com. while i was exploring her toys.
then played stress.riina showed nini our class photo weni was in pri 1&2.
i looked so nerdy lah!!
then went home we nini at 5 plus.
i went jurong point and took the bus to gek poh whr i bought macs and kfc for my fam.
saw my cousin-in-law. pretend i didnt c him and ran off.
home sweet home. i go sleep.
went to sabrina's house.
just so u noe-she was my best friend in my very 1st pri sch,teck whye pri.
nini n me went 2 macs to have lunch& also to delay time as riina wasnt home frm sch yet.
we ate like pigs til 1 plus.suddenly, nini said"is dat amirah?"
i was like thinkin in my head,"amirah.amirah.dat sounds familiar."
she walked dis way n said hi. i looked at her .she rally look like sumone i noe.
turns out she was my classmate in my 1st pri sch,just like riina.
she look so different as she didnt used to wear specs.
then walked to the swimming poll thr.waited for riina.
admiring the pool view.riina soon arrived ,we walked to her hse.met ayuni's mum on the way.
riina's parents werent at home. her hse is o nice lerhx.
and everything
we watched the movie 'date movie'.
i watched b4 bt nini damn funny sia.then riina talk to her bf,Nafri/irfan,
on the hp. me n nini sort of disturb her.then niniplay com. while i was exploring her toys.
then played stress.riina showed nini our class photo weni was in pri 1&2.
i looked so nerdy lah!!
then went home we nini at 5 plus.
i went jurong point and took the bus to gek poh whr i bought macs and kfc for my fam.
saw my cousin-in-law. pretend i didnt c him and ran off.
home sweet home. i go sleep.
22 october.
LTA gals went bowling at suatkee hse,palm gardens.
play like siau.
i cant believe i was actuali happy wen i play bowling.
well. most of the time if i was gonna play bowling, i would hate it.
i sure bad mood one.
since my parents are champion bowlers. they pressurize me wen i play.
they always give me advice which seems more like scoldinwif their loud voice.
enough of dat.aniway, i have no idea wads wrong wif niniWOOF dat day.
she was damn high aftr cuming back frm genting.
must be careful.might be contagious.
bt then again her high-ness lead her to a strike.
pro sia. then we were like playing pool and bowling at thesame time.
wad the hell is wrong wif us.
i guess nini's high-ness was contagious.
then 3.50 went home wif nini.
the rest stayed n i heard they didnt went home .
they walked around the condo thr.
at home, realise dat my bro had went bowling wif his frends at cdans .
at night, it was like a raining blizzard. shoes outside were wet.
at 10.35 ,rmbr dat my precious kittes were outside.
us cats r afraid of water-dats y we cant swim & we have sensitive hearing.
i opened the door calling out for my pretties. they didnt cum.
i went out n found them at the lift thr near a corner. i persuade them 2 follow me bt they just stood thr.
dats strange. they alwys follow me.
bein stubborn cats , i carried them back to my house.
they just ran & hid under the sofabed. ltr they come out for food.
im just glad they are ok. i hug them &went to sleep.
LTA gals went bowling at suatkee hse,palm gardens.
play like siau.
i cant believe i was actuali happy wen i play bowling.
well. most of the time if i was gonna play bowling, i would hate it.
i sure bad mood one.
since my parents are champion bowlers. they pressurize me wen i play.
they always give me advice which seems more like scoldinwif their loud voice.
enough of dat.aniway, i have no idea wads wrong wif niniWOOF dat day.
she was damn high aftr cuming back frm genting.
must be careful.might be contagious.
bt then again her high-ness lead her to a strike.
pro sia. then we were like playing pool and bowling at thesame time.
wad the hell is wrong wif us.
i guess nini's high-ness was contagious.
then 3.50 went home wif nini.
the rest stayed n i heard they didnt went home .
they walked around the condo thr.
at home, realise dat my bro had went bowling wif his frends at cdans .
at night, it was like a raining blizzard. shoes outside were wet.
at 10.35 ,rmbr dat my precious kittes were outside.
us cats r afraid of water-dats y we cant swim & we have sensitive hearing.
i opened the door calling out for my pretties. they didnt cum.
i went out n found them at the lift thr near a corner. i persuade them 2 follow me bt they just stood thr.
dats strange. they alwys follow me.
bein stubborn cats , i carried them back to my house.
they just ran & hid under the sofabed. ltr they come out for food.
im just glad they are ok. i hug them &went to sleep.
Thursday, October 18, 2007

hangout at the playground.
we were like dissmissed at 1pm.
i didnt go 4 badminton as i had the prize presentation rehearsals.
bt i end up nt going coz i too lazy.
me, hira,nini,val,sam,yisi,jen and siying went 2 hve lunch at macdonalds.
ltr jen and siying wen for cca-dance.
so the rest of us follow nini go buy sandals.
shes going to genting!!no! she gonna abandoned me on friday.
aniways after dat nini went home 2 pack her luggage.
it was such a'beautiful' day so me, val ,hira went 2 the polyclinic and changed into our P.E.
then we went 2 the playground across the teck whye garden. i decided 2 ask gavin here bt he didnt reply me until i was on my way home. anyway, i practically was like climbling here n thr like sum wild monkey. imissed those days where i would just hang upside down wif all my friends or climb poles or jump over them.
goodtimes.haiz. val was telling us abt how her friend hang on the pole and like went from one side 2 the other.
i showed the demo.haha.
so fun then yisi was like,"can i go home?"
mahirah would say,"no. u must stay here."
and i say,"dun go home. its sch a beautiful day tdy!"
bt ltr aftr a while she left n the rest of us was bored. the rest
just zilian here and thr. i just sat at the smaller playground as though i was a cat trapped in a cage. around 4 plus, we went home. me n val were walking wen my bus came. so i ps her.hehe.
then i call my maomi to meet me at sengsiong. then walked home.

its been a few weeks or so since i post.
well recent events.
exam has ended.
hari raya has passed.
thr was the movie dead poets society which our class watch bt it
would be my 2nd time.
love the movie.
then, thr was slacking .
at the usual places like sch, class, shopping malls and playrounds.
the usual. hariraya was at kampung dis year.
we woke up early in the morning n u sing my 'mama' car,
we drove to malaysia. we met up wif sum others at the mosque thr.
ltr wen we reached thr. i took a bath while the guys were getting rdy 2 head out to
the mosque 4 the morning prayers. us girls n women were left in the whole kampung.
so i ate first.wen the guys were back. things started 2 heat up.
den we played fuseball .talked crap stuff.and just hve fun.
we took alot of pictures.
at first for the group photo we take at the carpark thr.
for gal photos onli bt the guys we take at the swimming pool thr.
i tink at the pol nicer lorhx.
oh well.. cant wait for next year!!
Saturday, September 29, 2007
dis is shocking
i am prefect...
damn the
hu nominate
curse u tchers..
unless ur a tcher i like.
if so then,
dis is shocking
i am prefect...
damn the
hu nominate
curse u tchers..
unless ur a tcher i like.
if so then,
sry i nvr update liao.. just so freakin lazy n my bro is alwys hogging the com..
aniways exam started eng, chinese n malay paper hve be done.. 4gt dat
lets c i nvr wrote abt my holis..
super-teen camp...
It was so much fun excpt 4 the scolding part.
Made awesome fwends.
NATALIE,close fwend
JENNA,close fwend
JUN ER,smart boy
MARK,cute boy
TERRENCE,jenna`s cuddley bear
JEREMY TAN,funny kuchifart
JASLYN,fwends at 1st sight
RUSSEL,nice guy
BRYAN,caring guy
Us gals-me,nat,jenna slept at the guys room wen we thr 4 the camp
we stayed up & played games like blackjack or dare /double dare..
i didnt participate in the dares much coz i was the dare maker..
& bcoz of 'religious' reasons..
saw a lot of flying KISSES going round
natalie & juner slept 2gether..+mark on the 2 last days
jenna &terrence cuddle like siao lah.. its like they r alrdy a couple..
it was HARD going 2 the boys room at night.
TRAINERS would sumtime go around patrolling the area.
a few times, the trainers CAME IN 2 THE ROOM 2 check on us & tell us 2 keep it down.
if they catch us gals in their rooms, us gals would be DEAD.
we would hide in the toilet& hide until the coast was clear.
at times, a roomate in dat room would go in the toilet wif us,
just in case the trainer want 2 check the toilet.if so,
the roomate would just sae dat he is usin the toilet.
we were LUCKY not 2 gt caught once..
PHEW! it was tiring ,sneaking around.
it was tough bt worth it.
at the end of the ceremony on the last day,
we took photos..aftr dat we hugged each other 4 the last time
& say our gdbyes!!!
MISS u guys!!LOVE u guys 2 death! i will c u AGAIN..
aniways exam started eng, chinese n malay paper hve be done.. 4gt dat
lets c i nvr wrote abt my holis..
super-teen camp...
It was so much fun excpt 4 the scolding part.
Made awesome fwends.
NATALIE,close fwend
JENNA,close fwend
JUN ER,smart boy
MARK,cute boy
TERRENCE,jenna`s cuddley bear
JEREMY TAN,funny kuchifart
JASLYN,fwends at 1st sight
RUSSEL,nice guy
BRYAN,caring guy
Us gals-me,nat,jenna slept at the guys room wen we thr 4 the camp
we stayed up & played games like blackjack or dare /double dare..
i didnt participate in the dares much coz i was the dare maker..
& bcoz of 'religious' reasons..
saw a lot of flying KISSES going round
natalie & juner slept 2gether..+mark on the 2 last days
jenna &terrence cuddle like siao lah.. its like they r alrdy a couple..
it was HARD going 2 the boys room at night.
TRAINERS would sumtime go around patrolling the area.
a few times, the trainers CAME IN 2 THE ROOM 2 check on us & tell us 2 keep it down.
if they catch us gals in their rooms, us gals would be DEAD.
we would hide in the toilet& hide until the coast was clear.
at times, a roomate in dat room would go in the toilet wif us,
just in case the trainer want 2 check the toilet.if so,
the roomate would just sae dat he is usin the toilet.
we were LUCKY not 2 gt caught once..
PHEW! it was tiring ,sneaking around.
it was tough bt worth it.
at the end of the ceremony on the last day,
we took photos..aftr dat we hugged each other 4 the last time
& say our gdbyes!!!
MISS u guys!!LOVE u guys 2 death! i will c u AGAIN..
Saturday, August 25, 2007
sec 1 camp was so tiring bt fun.. my bag was so big n bulky lah.. lucky-ky my bro go n carry my bag all the way until the bustop whr i was meeting nini,sam,val n hira. then in the mornng rain lah.. so we didnt do sum of the activities, even the flying fox!! after the noise polluting at the canteen we went 2 the dorm n think of a skit 2 perform 4 campfire dat nite. we decided dat it would be like a bollywood story.. its a classic comedy!! damn funni lah.. any way after dat do rock climbing..walau i have 2 do demo! the instructer veri bad lah!!go n bully me!! the instructer go wear make me wear the harness then she go n pull the strap like siau.. then her assistant go n buckle the carribean at me then the asssistant keep pulling the rope lah then the harness keep getting pull up n my dat one hurts lah... after dat do the high obstacles.. i nvr do i just help out coz the wan i was supposed 2 do is too scary.. then we do tam building games which is so shoik! it was easy lah.. as gals just had 2 jump on the guys n they help us up.. they do most of the work. meinando n melisa rawks lah !! they r such awesum ppl!! telling us stories n abt their past memories.. they r like our veri close frends! aniway at nite, showeriing time was so frustrating.. they onli give us a few minutes late n sum inconsiderate ppl go n take their own sweet time. then ltr yisi kena scolded, argh dun wan tok abt it! bt i totali support u yisi! then ltr we call the guys..walau next day so tired.. go eat wif val,sam n nini n went home..
Saturday, August 04, 2007
Sorry i nvr updated.. im just so crazy over anime & manga dat i almost 4gt dat i hve a nw typing using the laptop as my com just broke dwn, i mean blew up! Latest news! i sprained my ankle! So Sian lerhx.. it was during badminton, i was doing my 5 10 5 bt when i did the jump smack i smacked the landing.. dats how my ankle is its feeling much better.. gd news, i gt 2 wear slippers & take advantage of ppl! bad news, i hate going up & dwn the stairs! dat totalli suxs! y cant my sch hve a lift, it would make me so much happier!
So aniway i will tell u abt my june holis.. lets c.. didnt do much reli. mostly Stay at hM..=.='' bt thr was the time i went 2 bugis wif mira, hajar & eekah.. its great hanging out wif them.. we reli didnt noe y we go thr! we were just bored lah..he just walk around the place like 5 times, take neo, eat then go home..dat moment has short-lived.. SuM other daes i just did CIP work, rainbow club.. i wonder y i sign up in the first place?? must be out of boredom.. bt i veri gd gal, do charity work hehe... go orchard do charity!!
SCHs back.. miss all my frend.. & guess wad???!! my form tcher ms lye is going hong kong dis wk..!! dat means i wont hve 2 c the dinosaur-goldfish-head ever again! ok not like its 4 a long time .. my sch no CA EXAMS.. onli do project.. my ipw wif wei hong ,darren & nini.. gd frends..we were like the first group formed.. we r lucky, the class was in chaos coz tcher sae must be mix nw doing ipw presentation..walau yesterday, i was so pissed off & angry at darren. dat guy has no heart. no feelings. no brain. ok myb gt brain lah bt u gt my point.. he wanted 2 be speaker 3 bt i am speaker 3! we alrdy decided lah..then he presenting the research part which i did so he sae i should do it lah.. he started scolding me & want 2 tell tcher arh... i felt like killing him rite thr and then...!!!!! argh!!!
aniway enuf abt dat..toking abt it just makes me mad..! cya! post ltr..
So aniway i will tell u abt my june holis.. lets c.. didnt do much reli. mostly Stay at hM..=.='' bt thr was the time i went 2 bugis wif mira, hajar & eekah.. its great hanging out wif them.. we reli didnt noe y we go thr! we were just bored lah..he just walk around the place like 5 times, take neo, eat then go home..dat moment has short-lived.. SuM other daes i just did CIP work, rainbow club.. i wonder y i sign up in the first place?? must be out of boredom.. bt i veri gd gal, do charity work hehe... go orchard do charity!!
SCHs back.. miss all my frend.. & guess wad???!! my form tcher ms lye is going hong kong dis wk..!! dat means i wont hve 2 c the dinosaur-goldfish-head ever again! ok not like its 4 a long time .. my sch no CA EXAMS.. onli do project.. my ipw wif wei hong ,darren & nini.. gd frends..we were like the first group formed.. we r lucky, the class was in chaos coz tcher sae must be mix nw doing ipw presentation..walau yesterday, i was so pissed off & angry at darren. dat guy has no heart. no feelings. no brain. ok myb gt brain lah bt u gt my point.. he wanted 2 be speaker 3 bt i am speaker 3! we alrdy decided lah..then he presenting the research part which i did so he sae i should do it lah.. he started scolding me & want 2 tell tcher arh... i felt like killing him rite thr and then...!!!!! argh!!!
aniway enuf abt dat..toking abt it just makes me mad..! cya! post ltr..
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Thursday, April 05, 2007
walau ! sos sian! tdy gt NAPHA test! scared 2 hell lah... i mean its nt the whole test just the runing part..anyway run like hell..our class ran wif 1/6 n 1/2..die!s o many ppl yet the distance so long.. then when we started runing, at the gas station mr kong was thr n he sae sum crap stuff ler!!shit lah him! he keep saein" maintain!maintain!dats right maintain ur pace! keep up the pace! dun walk! move!move!move!" ass lah he! go 2 hell ! i was supposed 2 ran wif bittersweet bt i lost track of them duno whr they r.. so i ran wif wanyi all the way! onli the last part i sped up n came in b4 offence! i gt a position of 40! bt i guess its ok 4 me! i did my best! gd luck 2 me!!
my weirdo group
jess b`dae, she so popular lah!! she had 2 bags of presents!!! like omg!tok abt popular!! aniway the dae goes on like hell...then home econ roxs lerrr!! my group, xt, gaby n bredan so fun sia!! rawks lah they.. they keep throwing gaby`s pencil`s box down the foyer n poor gaby was runing up n down the stairs 2 gt his pencil box!1hw hilarious though its a bit mean bt so funny!!then we were so noisy so we had 2 seat near tcher n do our work we still crack jokes lah!! then we just tok2.. then i took out my hp wanted 2 check sum 'notes', gt caught it was confiscated gt it back after sch..she sae sumthing abt obedience n manners ouh wateva!! glad 2 be in the same group as them!
other holi hangout
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
celebratin miras bdae
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Your Element is Earth |
![]() Your power color: yellow Your energy: balancing Your season: changing of seasons Dedicated and responsible, you are a rock to your friends. You are skilled at working out even the most difficult problems. Low key and calm, you are happiest when you are around loved ones. Ambitious and goal oriented, you have long term plans to be successful. |
You'll Find Love Where You Least Expect It |
![]() You're the type most likely to find love... surprised? You shouldn't be! You're a fun, independent woman who is always out and about. And you're smart to sometimes leave your girlfriends behind and go it alone. Men love to approach you when you're out by yourself - including Mr. Perfect! |
Sunday, March 04, 2007

24 feb 20007
went 4 the kc auditions. meet yasmin(one of the c.a.y.a.s.),khai n qyisti n surprisingly sharifah frm teck whye pri. it was so awesome thr..i meet alot of new frends the 1 thing i hate was the freaking long line! lyke thr was lyke a 1000 ppl thr n it was just 4 the kids category imagine if the adults 1 was held at the smae time! omg! lyke so totali pressure bt at alast it was continue 2morrow as the judges werent able 2 c so mani ppl. the nxt day i made frends wif dis hottie-cuttie-lovelly guy-well actuali he made frends wif me bt its almost the same thin rite?? we were toking abt hw nervous n hw it seemed we were so nt prepared.. then we burst out laughing.. we were actuali toking out loud n every1 was looking at us strange ..we then had 2 take the lift up 2 the 5 lvl. thr we waited outside the kc office. i sat beside him .. then thr was dis feky werido geeky nerdy snooby guy hu kept singing smack that in his own pathetic ugly voice. me n the hottie listened 2 his mp3 2 blocked his singing-man, was he loud! then we amplified the mp3 n guess wad song it was? smack that! the freako was dancing around singing..even though hes voice sux hhe was kinda entertaining.. we then whispered 2 each other saeing hw idiotic he looked..hahha.. then we were brought into the kc meeting room. thr we watched tv on the lcd tv, drank water, relaxin in the aircon nchatted non-stopped.. the freako was boasting abt himself saein hw great he was.. all hailed the mighty god- or should i say mighty freak! hhahahaa..during the auditions.. i sae my lines as usual n i then i gave the judges a smile.. the judges sae i had a beautiful smile.. after the auditions i walked with the hottie n sum others 2 the canteen.. then i waved 2 them all.. then the hottie sae, hope 2 cya soon.. i was lyke yeah we will. i then went home wif my parents.. wow! he was such a great guy! so wad if i dun gt the cut, i gt 2 meet a hottie didnt i?

16 feb 2007
thr was no badminton, no cca, no mass reading, went back to my old sch bt we were kicked out. damn it.. so me,c.a.y.a.s.,mira,jar,iqah,yrha,caca n the guys hang out at the void deck. then we laughed n went here thr n everywhr. Amir then showed us sum cool magic tricks.. it was so remox! he totali rawk! we were all begging him 2 teach us bt he sae dat onli he can do it.wre were all lyke "awwww, amir u so selfish r u".. then after dat when 2 7-11 n chilled. it was our usual hangout our territory.then dis nerdy geeky gal walked in n lyke totali walked in 2 our territory.. we were lyke pissed off by her! she was frm fuhua pri.. she was fat, snobby n geeky lookin..Cuiying gave dat weird look 2 her..she simply ignored..we then faked our names n lyke totali ask her lyke wad was her deal..cuiying kept on petsring her asking everytin abt her till she went home wif her maid.. cuiying u rad! then we just went home..
11 february 2007
went to my Batam trip bt wif my cousins dis time! my cousins, Rizal n Elyz the married couple, firman(my teck whye primary sch cousin),firdaus n faris his bros n lydia.had a great time, after badminton, i rushed home n after changing we headed 2 the ferry terminal. In the ferry, i was totalli knock out:
1)sumbdy farted
2)hr was knocked out gas
3)i was tired
4) i had sea sickness
well i was seasick, so i felt lyke puking on the way thr.. in batam my dad n his driver came 2 pick us up n drove us back 2 the hotel which is at the top of a hill. in the room, we called 4 room service..after dat my bro n i watch our anime on tv.. n we went 2 sleep.
the next day, we had free breakfast at the hotel as usual n after dat we went 2 pick our relatives frm the terminal.. we then wen back 2 the hotel. it was my bros birthdae n my bro didnt lyke going out(hes a loner, veri anti-social).aniway we went 2 try the ouh so famous 'ayam penyet' n the deliciouysly choclate hot fude milkshake withechoclate ice-cream n hot chocolate with a cherry on top..yum!
After dat we went shopping at dis new mall dat had just opened was called hyper mart(lame name, hey it rymes omg!lol.) i went 2 matahari(sun in malay, again a lame name) . i shopped till i dropped. i looked at all the clothes dat were ouh so fabulous n the sales were so cheap which is an awesome combination!!oooooolalala!luvin it!back at the hotel i played HOUSE OF THE DEAD 2..WHICH SO TOTALI RAWKS! then the rest of the nite i played pool wif my bro n firman n rizal..
next dae, after hvin our free breakfast, i went swimming wif the guys. my bro n i rawk..since the hotel ius pratically our home we had stuff. i went 2 the counter n ask if i could hve my watergun frm my last visit.. n we did.we sprayed everyone.. even sum dat werent swimming, sry! n our hotel room was the onli one dat had a balcony facing the poolside..
i then went 2 nagoya market as the audults wanted 2 buy some herbs.After dat we went 2 Batam City Square. i didnt do much thr as i was tired of shooping, so i chilled at a h.c wif my dad n granpa..i then took one of those lame rides on a robotic elephant which could move frm one side 2 the other.. guess u noe hw bored i was.. bt iw as so pathetic, i fell down on the way 2 the other side on the! lame shit.. at the hotel they packed their stuff n chiilled at our room as they were checking out n our room was pernament. then played pool again till it was time 2 go.. gonna miss the hotel,lol. i 4 gt i alwys go thr 4 the holis..=p
went to my Batam trip bt wif my cousins dis time! my cousins, Rizal n Elyz the married couple, firman(my teck whye primary sch cousin),firdaus n faris his bros n lydia.had a great time, after badminton, i rushed home n after changing we headed 2 the ferry terminal. In the ferry, i was totalli knock out:
1)sumbdy farted
2)hr was knocked out gas
3)i was tired
4) i had sea sickness
well i was seasick, so i felt lyke puking on the way thr.. in batam my dad n his driver came 2 pick us up n drove us back 2 the hotel which is at the top of a hill. in the room, we called 4 room service..after dat my bro n i watch our anime on tv.. n we went 2 sleep.
the next day, we had free breakfast at the hotel as usual n after dat we went 2 pick our relatives frm the terminal.. we then wen back 2 the hotel. it was my bros birthdae n my bro didnt lyke going out(hes a loner, veri anti-social).aniway we went 2 try the ouh so famous 'ayam penyet' n the deliciouysly choclate hot fude milkshake withechoclate ice-cream n hot chocolate with a cherry on top..yum!
After dat we went shopping at dis new mall dat had just opened was called hyper mart(lame name, hey it rymes omg!lol.) i went 2 matahari(sun in malay, again a lame name) . i shopped till i dropped. i looked at all the clothes dat were ouh so fabulous n the sales were so cheap which is an awesome combination!!oooooolalala!luvin it!back at the hotel i played HOUSE OF THE DEAD 2..WHICH SO TOTALI RAWKS! then the rest of the nite i played pool wif my bro n firman n rizal..
next dae, after hvin our free breakfast, i went swimming wif the guys. my bro n i rawk..since the hotel ius pratically our home we had stuff. i went 2 the counter n ask if i could hve my watergun frm my last visit.. n we did.we sprayed everyone.. even sum dat werent swimming, sry! n our hotel room was the onli one dat had a balcony facing the poolside..
i then went 2 nagoya market as the audults wanted 2 buy some herbs.After dat we went 2 Batam City Square. i didnt do much thr as i was tired of shooping, so i chilled at a h.c wif my dad n granpa..i then took one of those lame rides on a robotic elephant which could move frm one side 2 the other.. guess u noe hw bored i was.. bt iw as so pathetic, i fell down on the way 2 the other side on the! lame shit.. at the hotel they packed their stuff n chiilled at our room as they were checking out n our room was pernament. then played pool again till it was time 2 go.. gonna miss the hotel,lol. i 4 gt i alwys go thr 4 the holis..=p
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Hey, life ccks is gting betta bt its still in the horrible zone..i made sum frends though, or should i sae reunite.. well, u c i nvr thgt abt the fact dat my teck whye pri frends would be in the same sch as me.. i totalli 4gt about the fact dat teck whye pri iis just nxt door.. hw should i noe all i could think of was the end of my happiness knew.. my first dae thr was horrid.. i wasnt happy , i was just sad n tired.. i had stayed up the night b4.. n when the principal was giving a speech (which was more lyke a lecture 2 me) i took dat time 2 sleep.. sum zzzs was all i nided.. i didnt ate during recess time.. i spend dat time calling n smsin my mum telling her i was miserable n ask her if thr was aniway i could gt out frm thr..
then , i met hartini.. she was in the same malay class as me when i was in teck whye.. soon after i met farah.. she was one of my best frends.. was. i only had 2 best frends, 1 was farah, n the other was sabrina. well i also met luqman n irfan they werewe both my frends too.. life gt betta since then..
then , i met hartini.. she was in the same malay class as me when i was in teck whye.. soon after i met farah.. she was one of my best frends.. was. i only had 2 best frends, 1 was farah, n the other was sabrina. well i also met luqman n irfan they werewe both my frends too.. life gt betta since then..
Hey guys! n gals.. Just so u noe, i transfer sch..
Juying sec--->Chua Chu Kang sec.. hey i might as well transfer 2 all the schs in s'pore..
Dis is the fifth time i transfered sch.. which is so weird n hard n stress n lonely n too much pressure 4 me! i gt left out most ofthe time bcoz of my big mouth i try 2 make sum friends.. i had so mani friends in all the schs i transfered 2.. n so many memories dat i lost count of them..SIGH! i love all my friends frm all the schs i went 2.. though my life in chua chu kang is even worse n every day it gts worse.. y ?! y?!y?! i used 2 be one of the popular gals in all the schs i transfered.. what happen 2 me?! is it fate or is it karma? my life was so perfect! y?! y did ccks n unity sec had 2 accept me in2 their sch.. life in juying was great , i was wif 1 of my best frends n nw its all so confused n frustrated at the same time.. im so depressed! i hate my life! lots! i wish none of dis ever happened, wish i could press the reset button of my life bt its nt thr..i miss *him. i miss sabrina. i miss c.a.y.a.s. i miss chaotic 6i. i miss my cats. i miss my old life.
umm..arhh.. sry im so emo right nw, i nid 2 be alone in my room.. so immmmmmmmmmmmmm gggggggoooooooooonnnnnnnaaaaaaa ccccrrrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyy iiiiiiiiinnnnn pppppppeeeaaaaaacccccceeeeee wwwhhhhhhhrrrrrrrrrrr nnnnnoooo ooooooooooonnnnnnneeeeeeee ccccccccccccccaaaaaannnnnnnn hhhhhhhhhhheeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrr mmmmmmmeee......
Juying sec--->Chua Chu Kang sec.. hey i might as well transfer 2 all the schs in s'pore..
Dis is the fifth time i transfered sch.. which is so weird n hard n stress n lonely n too much pressure 4 me! i gt left out most ofthe time bcoz of my big mouth i try 2 make sum friends.. i had so mani friends in all the schs i transfered 2.. n so many memories dat i lost count of them..SIGH! i love all my friends frm all the schs i went 2.. though my life in chua chu kang is even worse n every day it gts worse.. y ?! y?!y?! i used 2 be one of the popular gals in all the schs i transfered.. what happen 2 me?! is it fate or is it karma? my life was so perfect! y?! y did ccks n unity sec had 2 accept me in2 their sch.. life in juying was great , i was wif 1 of my best frends n nw its all so confused n frustrated at the same time.. im so depressed! i hate my life! lots! i wish none of dis ever happened, wish i could press the reset button of my life bt its nt thr..i miss *him. i miss sabrina. i miss c.a.y.a.s. i miss chaotic 6i. i miss my cats. i miss my old life.
umm..arhh.. sry im so emo right nw, i nid 2 be alone in my room.. so immmmmmmmmmmmmm gggggggoooooooooonnnnnnnaaaaaaa ccccrrrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyy iiiiiiiiinnnnn pppppppeeeaaaaaacccccceeeeee wwwhhhhhhhrrrrrrrrrrr nnnnnoooo ooooooooooonnnnnnneeeeeeee ccccccccccccccaaaaaannnnnnnn hhhhhhhhhhheeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrr mmmmmmmeee......
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Hey all! i reli wanna sae sry! sry 4 nt updating! As u noe im lazy n buzy... okokok, so most of the time im lazy.. u could sae im a lazy punk.. bt wateva! Besides, my bro, Roy , is alwys using the com so i barely update my blog or use the com aniway..BROTHERS, u noe they can be! Aniway, sry ! hope u guys understand..
meows maximoso...
CAT _faced gal out..
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